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Resident Evil Revelations Walkthrough Part 5: Ghosts of Veltro (Jill)

As Jill, head downstairs and through the door. Straight ahead will be a packet of Handgun ammo and a Green Herb. Turn around and go down the hall, past an enemy. Turn to the right and go through the door to find the Helm Key on the left side of the room and a Ship Layout note and a package of Custom Parts on the other side. Backtrack to the previous hallway to find a silver locked door. You may now open silver doors using the Helm Key, so open this one up and head inside.

There is another file inside of this room called History of the Queen Zenobia. You will also find more Handgun ammo and the Upper Interior Map. Most importantly, go to the back of the room to obtain a Crest that you can use to get the Shotgun from the last area you were in. Examine and scan the body sitting in the office chair to find some Handgun ammo stashed inside of it.

Go back to the elevator and return to the Upper Cabins area. Go to the bedroom in the upper corner and insert the Crest into the pedestal to obtain the Shotgun. Leave the room, use the Helm Key on the locked door, and scan the floor near the bed to find Illegal Custom Parts. Now go back to the elevator and proceed towards the Lower Cabins. You will be attacked by an enemy. Kill it and grab the Green Herb by where it spawned from. Open up the door ahead, but be careful for another enemy that lurks just inside the door. An open door to the right will have an ammo crate in it, at which you can further customize your weapons. Equip the Illegal Custom Parts and the Custom Parts to your weapons; you will need powerful guns in the upcoming section.

After customizing your gun, head left to find several rooms with enemies in them. Move quickly through these rooms and you may be able to avoid a battle. You will pop out in the dining room. Activate the locked door with the Helm Key to get through it.

Upon walking through the locked door, go down the stairs and turn right to find more Custom Parts. Scanning the wall by the next staircase will reveal a hidden Hand Print. Now follow the linear path through the big doors and down the stairs. At the base of the stairs is a crate you can slash open for more Handgun ammo. Head back up the stairs and go down the other staircase to find the Rifle M40A1. Proceed to the end of the hallway, collecting the Rifle ammo as you go, to find another box where you can customize your guns. Take the chance to do so. An upgraded Pistol will be especially helpful in the upcoming battle. If you don’t like your loadout, remember that you can always change Custom Parts around at these boxes.

Leave and go through the other way. Grab the Green Herb sitting out along the way. You will be met with another locked door. Unlock it and scan the shelf to find the Shotgun Ammo Case, which allows you to carry more ammo for your Shotgun. Another package of Custom Parts also awaits you nearby. If you want, you can go equip those to one of your guns before returning to this area. Heading forward will present you will a shutter blocking off the next area. Hit the Y button to have Parker assist you with opening the shutter. You will begin to hear a strange voice calling out to you. Run around the area a bit before proceeding into the littler room ahead of you. The level is littered with gas canisters, which will be helpful in the upcoming battle. You can also head downstairs to grab some ammo for various weapons and to find another hidden Hand Print. Go into the kitchenette area and scan the room to find it.

When you are ready, proceed back up the stairs and into the little square room in the corner of the level. Stand away from the door and shoot the lock off with your pistol to begin a boss battle.

Boss Battle: Communications Officer

This boss battle can be incredibly annoying, so move and shoot with purpose. First things first, never get close to the reanimated Comms Officer. Somehow he has integrated a circular saw into his anatomy, and he will use it to get a one-hit kill on you if you linger in front of him too much. Second of all, be careful of the infinite waves of lesser enemies that will spawn during this battle. Some of them are your garden variety zombies who will merely try to grab you when you get close, but others will fire projectiles at you. Dodge around them but don’t even bother killing them, as more will quickly return to take the dead zombie’s place. Finally, be sure to swap your knife out for some B.O.W Decoys, as they will prove invaluable in this fight.

When the Comms Officer bursts forth from the little room, try to shoot the propane tank just inside of the room immediately. If it works and the creature becomes staggered, run up and press Y to kick it before turning tail and running away. If you can’t get a line of sight on the propane tank from outside of the room, run inside and lure the creature in before exploding the propane tank on it, kicking it, and fleeing the scene. Two regular monsters will be walking into the room from the entrance. Avoid them by jumping out of the window, onto a little balcony. Another propane tank rests at the corner in front of you. Lure the Comms Officer over and repeat the same process of blowing up the tank and kicking him.

Run down the hallway and go into the room at the end to find a staircase and another propane tank. Blow it up on the creature and kick him again before running down the stairs to find the remaining propane tanks and a lot of monsters. Avoid the monsters as you lure the Comms Officer to each propane tank. Blow it up on the creature and kick him for good measure.

Even after blowing up all of the propane tanks in the level on top of the boss, he still won’t go down. This is where your B.O.W Decoys come in. Toss them near the Comms Officer and he will run over to examine it, along with any other creatures in the area. When the device detonates, run up and kick him again. If you run out of B.O.W Decoys, you will have to rely on your guns. Take out your pistol and shoot the Comms Officer in the fleshy second head that grows from its left shoulder. This is its weak point and the most efficient way to damage him. You’ll still find that it takes clips upon clips of ammo to stagger the beast so that you can kick it. Repeat this process until the Comms Officer dies, making sure to never get too close and to always keep up on your Green Herb usage.


Pick up the Lifebuoy Key that the Comms Officer will drop, then head upstairs to the little room where it was contained. You will find ammo and a note explaining how the man transformed into such a hideous beast. Retrace your steps out of the area and back to the large open room. Run through the gated door and use your key on the double doors. You will have to finish another puzzle in order to get the elevator up and working, so take out your stylus and unscrew the screws on the touch screen. You will need to arrange the electrical nodes so that there are nodes in each of the top corners, one node in the middle, and one node in the bottom middle. Take the elevator to the Deck area. Grab some Rifle ammo and Handgun ammo and scan the container on the right to find a Green Herb and Handgun ammo hidden away. There are also some Grenades over there as well. The table by the elevator has a Hand Print on it if you scan it. Return to the elevator to end Episode 3.