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Resident Evil Revelations Walkthrough Part 9: The Regia Solis

Following the cutscene, go down the ladder and down the steps at the bottom. Follow the path to get back inside of the ship. Once you’re back in the ship, go down the ladder and to the right to reach the elevator, which you should ride down. Wait for it to stop and open, then leave and proceed to either the right or the left; both paths eventually lead to the same place. Once you reach the door, go through, and then follow the path through two sets of double doors. When you get through the last of the doors, check the lockers to find some Handgun ammo and a Green Herb.

On the other side of this room is another locked door. You will need to unscrew the panel and solve another wire puzzle. Turns out the solution to this door is actually the same as the last one – a perfect square with none of the wires crossing. This will unlock the door. Walk through and scan the door to the right to find a secret handprint.

You can find some Custom Parts hiding nearby, next to a large button. Pick up the Custom Parts and hit the button to purify the pool, which will be filled with a giant, leaking, spongy substance. Scan the discolored areas to fill in part of your scanning bar. It will take a little while to purify the pool, so leave the area the same way you came in. You should see a staircase to your left. Go down them and move to the right to find another set of double doors. Head through here, and the next set of doors as well, to return to the dining area. This area is populated by a few basic enemies, so kill them before exploring any further. You can find some ammo sitting around by the tables. Heading up the stairs will lead you to a locked door which you can now open with the Iron Anchor Key. Unlock the door and walk through.

Numerous supplies will be scattered around this room. Collect them before scanning the table against the wall to find some Custom Parts. Proceed up the stairs and walk through the lone door. Walk through the room on the other side to reach a corridor, where you will find Rachel. She will be accompanied by another enemy. If you kill Rachel here you will be able to pick up some Illegal Custom Parts, so it’s probably worth it for you to do so. Kill the other enemy too. There is also a Shotgun here, but you should have had one for quite some time now. If you go to grab it, be cautious as an enemy will pop out of the closet on the way. Leave the corridor and kill the enemy at the end. Head down the hall and open the safe using the Veltro Key Card. You will receive some Illegal Custom Parts.

After looting the safe, turn around and go through the door. Go straight and to the right to come to another door, which you should walk through. Turn right, go through the door, and head to the right again. You will encounter three enemies in this hallway. Kill them before taking the elevator to the Bridge. Follow the path through the next door and through the room behind it. Walking through the next door will take you back to the communications room. Head over to the right to go down the stairs. Go through the door and across the hallway to reach another elevator.

Take the elevator to the Deck. Grab a box of Handgun ammo from the windows before turning left and going through the door. A group of Hunters will greet you on the other side. Use your shotgun to take them out easily, and then pick up the ammo and a Green Herb by the door. You will also find a box allowing you to customize your weapons here, so take the time out to add any of the Custom Parts you may have found recently to your guns until you’re satisfied with your loadout. When you are ready to proceed, follow Parker to the helipad. More Hunters will emerge, and you will have to fight them before proceeding. Use your knife on the two crates on the roof to reveal some ammo and open up the container to trigger a cutscene.

From here, you should turn around and retrace your steps from where you came. Instead of going all the way back to the Deck, however, you should go through the door on the right with the green light glowing over it. Another cutscene will play. Upon regaining control, you will have five minutes to get out of the area before an instant death will force a restart. Quickly pick up the Green Herb and then run straight. Enemies will filter out and attempt to slow you down. Just ignore them. You can break the crates along the way to obtain various useful items, but don’t bother if you think you will be pressed for time.

Follow the path to reach an elevator. Get in, get out, and turn to the left to pick up a Green Herb. If you have time to spare (and you should, if you have been adequately avoiding contact with the enemies) follow the left path to a room filled with ammo and a Custom Parts item. Turn around and leave the room after looting it and go down the right path instead now. Jump down at the ladder and proceed straight and right to find a staircase. Make a right, followed by a left. More enemies will emerge to challenge you. Avoid them like all of the others. Hang another left. You will be faced with still more B.O.Ws.

Another of the imposing boss enemies just like the Communications Officer will challenge you here. Instead of fighting him, run past and grab the Rocket Launcher. Run through the door; don’t even bother challenging this difficult enemy with your limited time. Hoards of enemies will attempt to impede your progress; avoid all of them and run straight through the door. Keep heading forward to reach a computer console, which you can use to activate the plane.