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SWTOR Walkthrough - Securing the Landing Zone - Ord Mantell

Speak with Captain Xuss in Fort Garnik. This is a level 9 quest.

Captain Xuss: So you're Havoc Squad, huh. Pleasure to meet you. Boys out here really look up to you special forces types. This separatist business on Ord Mantell has gone on long enough, don't you think?

You can say:
It's almost over.
Yes, sir.
Let's finish it.

Choose the third option. He tells you that his boys could use some support out at the sep stronghold. Trying to secure the landing area so they can bring more troops in. But resistance is heavy and they're taking a beating. You are not under Captain Xuss's command, but he would appreciate it if you reported to Sergean Vandal and lend a hand.

You can say:
No Problem
Right Away, sir.
Not Interested [Refuse Quest]

Choose one of the first two options. Captain Xuss will let the beach camp know you are coming.

Open your mission log:

Securing the Landing Zone
Captain Xuss asked for your assistance in securing the separatists stronghold's landing pad for the Republic forces. Speak to Sergeant Vandal for further details on the mission. His detachment is camped at the base of the volcano.

The Volcano Camp is located southwest of Oradam Village. Go there, and talk to Sgt. Vandal

Sergeant Vandal: Sir! Sergeant Vandal. Pleasure to serve with you. I'm sure Captain Xuss gave you the rundown of our situation. We got the sep stronghold in our sights. Orders are to secure a landing pad and establish a secondary insertion point for the assault. I need you to shut down the security fields around the landing pad and then disable the defense guns so our troop shuttles can land. Can you handle it?

Tell him you will do your best. Sergeant Vandal tells you he has an uneasy feeling. The separatists shouldn't have been able to hold out this long. He will radio the shuttles so they're read to move in the second you get the landing pad clear. Report back to the captain when you are done.

Your mission log is now updated:
Sergeant Vandal briefed you on the mission and said the landing pad security fields and anti-aircraft guns must be disabled for the Republic troops to land. Once inside the separatist stronghold, you must slice three security terminals to gain access to the landing pad.

Your task is to slice the first, second, and third security terminal. Enter the Separatist Stronghold. Open the map to locate the security terminals. The terminals will be on different levels of the stronghold. First one should be on level 1, to the east. Second terminal will be on level 2, also to the east. The last security terminal will be on level 3, to the west. Once you destroy all three security terminals, you now need to disable the landing pad's anti-aircraft guns to clear the landing zone. There are 2 guns you need to destroy. Enter the story area and shoot through Separatist Sentries and other enemies. Then destroy the guns,  and watch as the Republic Shuttle lands and deploys Mantellan specialist reinforcements.

SWTOR Securing the Landing Zone

Your final task is now to return to Captain Xuss in Fort Garnik. He congratulates you on your good work. You get some credits, experience, and a green item as  a reward for completing this mission. This concludes the mission, Securing the Landing Zone.