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SWTOR Walkthrough - The Untold Story - Ord Mantell

Talk to Lamalla Rann, standing on the beach in Mannett Shore, to begin this mission. This is a level four quest.

Lamalla Rann: Listen, if you're here to tell me to clear out, then I'll tell you the same thing I told that uptight commander: Not going to happen. Got it? I've got as much right as you do to be here. In fact, I've got more. I'm a model of free speech, a paragon for posterity. What are you? A local grunt, that's what. No good to anybody. So don't go telling me to clear out. I won't do that and that's that.

You can tell her:
That's not why I'm her
You sound frustrated.
Bad attitude

Choose the first option to calm her down a bit. She apologizes, and now has an idea. She needs something done, but she does not have enough credits to bribe the whole corrupt Ord Mantell army. She has got enough to bribe a smaller army, and asks if you are for hire. Her partner and her were in Mannett Point recording stories of the uprising, when the separatists attacked, bombs everywhere, carnage like you wouldn't believe. Fabulous Footage.  Her partner got lost, he is still out on that island sommewhere.

You can say:
I'll go get him
No one's offered help?
No promises

Choose the first option. You learn that she is not really interested in the safety of her partner, but rather is more concerned about the holorecordings they took of the uprising. Her partner's name is Waxx, and he is a self-important little holorecording specialist. If he is dead or whatever, Lamalla will still pay you for the holodiscs if you can find them. Great footage on there. Fantastic, gory stuff.

You can answer:
I'll be back
Sounds like a worthy cause
Sure, whatever. Just get away.

Choose the second option, anything to support the arts.

SWTOR The Untold Story

Open your mission log:

The Untold Story
A war correspondent named Lamalla Rann was taking holorecordings of the separatist uprising on Mannett Point when she and her partner were attacked. Lamalla lost her holorecordings in the chaos, and she wants them back, along with her partner, Waxx, if he is still alive. Locate Waxx and his holodiscs in the separatists' base at Manett Point.

Your first objective is to find Waxx. Cross the water and enter the Mannett Point fort. Start shooting separatist forces, and you will eventually unlock a bonus mission:

Time For Some Payback
Separatist Forces have wreaked havoc on the people of Ord Mantell. Now that you've infiltrated Mannett Point, it's time to return the favor. Take out the separatist forces on Mannett Point.

Kill 20 separatist enemies to finish the bonus quest.

Inside the base, fight through more separatist forces and reach the training rooms on the third level of the base. Watch for the Separatist Freedom Droids which have ranged attacks and can be tough to defeat. When you reach the training rooms, go to a room in the east and talk to Waxx.

Waxx: Hey, watch out, you're getting in my light. The lighting is essential to selling the message of urgency.

You can say:
I'm here to help
I came about the recordings
Shut up and follow

Choose the second option to tell Waxx that Lamalla sent you for the holodiscs. He accuses you of being from the Republic and coming to kill him for his noble work. He says there is no way he is giving up his footage of the glorious uprising. Lamalla may be willing to hide the Republic's warmongering, but he is not - He is with the separatists now.

You can say:
What about the discs?
Don't fight me on this

Choose the first option to ask Waxx why he joined the separatists. He tell you that the separatists are patriots, struggling against incredible hardship. Waxx has re-edited those holos to show the plight of the separatists and their families. He tells you to go back to Lamalla and tell her she can find another patsy to do her work, for he has seen the light.

You have a choice between Light and Dark now:
Fine, I'll tell her (LIGHT)
The discs - now (DARK)

First option - agree with Waxx - Light
If you are ok with what Waxx had said, choose the first option and you will tell Waxx that you will inform Lamalla that he has changed sides. You get 50 Light points. He gets excited, calls you a Republic lapdog and yells "Glory to the Revolution!".  But it's too late to regret this decision.... Go back to Lamalla on the shore. When she sees your face she can guess that Waxx is with the separatists now. She tells you how on Tatooine, he went to live with the Jawas for three months, thought they were his spiritual kin. One day he will realize that the separatists are just as immoral as everyone else, and hopefully by then he will have some fantastic footage. In the meantime, she will get a new holorecorder sent out here and gather what she can.

Second option - disagree with Waxx - Dark
You can insist on Waxx giving you the discs. Choose the second option. You get 50 Dark points You threaten him that if he does not give you the holodiscs, you will make him give you the holodiscs. He tells you he is just a journalist, he doesnt even have a weapon. And anyway, the Separatist Propaganda Officers already have them. If you want those discs you'd better get them, before they distribute them so everyone can see. Your task is now to loot the holodiscs. Head back down to the second level of the base and look for Separatist Propaganda Officers. Kill enough of them until you get two holodiscs, then return to Lamalla. She is very happy that you were able to retrieve the discs.

Either branch of the quest nets you with a reward of an Ord Mantell Commendation as well as a (green) item.

This concludes the quest, The Untold Story.