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SWTOR Walkthrough - Gang Warfare - Hutta

Talk to Lew Brell, in the Jiguuna Poison Pit on Hutta to begin this mission. This is a level 1 quest.

Lew Brell:  Welcome to Hutta, kid. You're new here, you look like you got a bright future. So let me give you a word of advice.  Watch your back out there. Learn how to please the people in charge, and as soon as you can, get out.

You can reply:
Don't worry about me
Sounds awful
Leave me alone

Choose the first option. You don't plan to stay any longer than you have to. Lew Brell tells you that there is a gang war raging out there right now. If you wanna survive on Hutta, you're gonna have to learn the ropes.  Lew can get you experience navigating Hutta's gangs, help you find your reputation, if you help him out.

You can reply:
You have my attention
Nothing's ever free
This should be great

Choose the first option.  Lew Brell tells you that this is a gangster town, controlled by a greedy and cruel Hutt named Nem'ro - as if there was any other kind. Lew used to work for Nem'ro's gang. Violent, bloody life. That's why he left. But now his little brother is following in his footsteps. Nemro's street gang leader, Rex Geer, is Lew's old buddy. Lew thought he might help get his brother out, but can't get to Rex for all the fighting.  Ask him what he needs. He wants you to blast your way through the gang and get to Rex, convince him to let Lew's brother go. Tell him sure, you'll take care of it.

Lew tells you that you will find Nem'ro's boys holed up in Jiguuna, but you're gonna need to fight through Fa'athra's thugs - so be careful.

Open your mission log:

Gang Warfare
An ex-gangster named Lew Brell needs your help preventing his brother Cam from following in his footsteps. Lew has asked you to convince his old friend, Rex Geer, the leader of Nem'ro's street gang, to let Cam leave the gang. Talk to Rex inside the gang's hideout in Jiguuna.

The hideout is pretty close by, just south of the cantina. Fight your way through the gang members, enter Rex's house, and talk to Rex Geer. He says you got some skill breaking through Fa'athra's line, and some nerve coming in here. You can say:
Don't mean to intrude
Let's make this quick
Are you picking a fight?

Choose the second option. You don't have time for this, you are here for the Brell kid.  Rex asks you what you want with the kid, if you are working for Fa'athra too.

You can answer:
I work for the kid's family
Don't make up stories
I work for me

Choose the third option.  Rex says he cannot give you the kid. The Brell kid is a traitor. First time Fa'athra's thugs start shooting at them, he turns coward and tried to join the other side. Nemro is going to have a lot of questions for him and he can't let him go.

You can say:
Start a fight and you'll lose
Let's talk this through
My employer won't approve

Choose the first option to try and intimidate Rex. Rex offers to bribe you to forget about the kid and go on your way. You would tell Brell's big brother you got here too late or something. You will be richer, and the weasel will get what he has coming.

This brings up a Light/Dark conflict:

Gang Warfare Hutta SWTOR

Fine, keep him and pay up (DARK)
No, let him go (LIGHT)

Option #1 - Accepting the bribe - Dark
You can choose to accept the bribe, get 50 dark points, and basically doom the kid's life. Ignore the kid's protests, and leave the hideout. Go talk to Lew again. He asks where his brother is. You can answer:
He's dead
There was nothing I could do

Try the second option if you feel like being evil. Lew is very upset.  He threatens that if he finds out you had the chance to save his brother's skin but you didn't...

You can reply:
It was good money
Just pay up
I don't care

Choose the second option to try and get some more credits, but Lew refuses to pay. You still get the credits from Rex, a choice of Stims, and a Hutta Commendation.

Option #2 - Rejecting the bribe - Light
You can tell Rex that you have a better idea. You suggest Rex will let Brell go, and he and his brother leave Hutta for good, and nobody knows any different. This gives you 50 light points. He does not like the deal.  Ask him if he would rather get shot. Rex agrees to release the kid. Cam Brell thanks you and leaves. Go back to speak to Lew Brell. He thanks you and gives you your reward.

This concludes the mission, Gang Warfare.