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Poptropica Walkthrough - Cryptids Island Part 3: The Loch Ness Monster

After helping the guy with the yellow truck on Loch Ness and receiving the rugged camera, go right towards the pub.

You will see a sign that says:
Nessie Pub
The First Dish Pleaseth All

Enter the pub. Take the match box from the counter. Go to the left of the bar and speak to a guy with a mustache and glasses standing near a dartboard. You ask him what he knows about the Loch Ness Monster. He says he knows loads about Nessie, and suggest you discuss it over a game of darts. You answer that you do not have time for darts, you have to find a way onto one of those boars outside. The other guy offers a deal. You beat him at darts, and he will give you a ticket for the rowboat.

You get:
Ratty Darts
These darts have seen better days.

The game of darts will begin. Click on a dart to start. Click and drag the dart back, then release to throw. Opponent will also throw. See the score on the blackboard. Each of you throws three darts. You can get the most points, 50 points, by hitting the center of the board. If you hit inside the dart board but not in the center, you get points as listed on the edge of the area you hit. If you miss the board completely, you don't get any points. Remember, you can keep trying until you win. So practice, and release the darts from various positions and angles to see where it hits. Aim for the inner center ring (bullseye), as hitting that will net you 50 points and should guarantee your win, unless opponent also hit the bulls eye.

If you lose the game, he tells you that he will keep the ticket for now, but if you can stand to lose again, he will give you a rematch. Talk to him to start the rematch.

When you score more then the opponent after throwing your three darts, you win the match. You get:

Osprey-Feathered Darts
Not too shabby

The guy blames the darts he used for losing to you. They couldn't hit the side of a barn from ten centimeters.

You also receive:

Rowboat Ticket
(Admit One)
To one ride in the rowboat

Another patron, in a blue shirt, will tell you how he has seen Nessie when he was a wee one, and would never forget such a sight. But a white shirted patron mocks him, saying he needs to see a psychiatrist if he really thinks he saw Nessie.

Exit the bar, and go left past the helicopter and enter the boat, Lil' Ness. Use the boat ticket, and you will ask the boat operator if you can take a ride on his boat. The boat ride will begin. He will tell you to watch closely. Suddenly you see a shadow in the water, looks like it is the Loch Ness monster! You tell the operator that it looks like Nessie and ask to get closer.  He says you can't since there are some dangerous rocks there. But he suggests you take a picture. Use the rugged camera. You will receive:

Loch Ness Monster Photo
Loch Ness Monster?

Take the boat back to shore, and return to the helicopter.