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Twisted Metal Sweet Tooth Walkthrough Part 5: Diablo Pass

This event is quite a u-turn from the events that have made up Sweet Tooth’s campaign so far. In this mission, you will be racing the other competitors from one end of Diablo Pass to the other and back again. Each of the cars have had bombs implanted in them, and only by being the first to cross the finish line can you stop your bomb from detonating. The Reaper motorcycle is a pretty good choice here, but even better is Kamikaze. Boasting more armor and equal if not greater speed, Kamikaze also has a Shock Freeze ability that will temporarily freeze enemies surrounding it in place. This can be incredibly helpful when trying to pull off a last-minute win.

So select Kamikaze at the beginning of the race and get ready to ride for your life. In addition to simply beating all of the other opponents to the finish line, you will also need to travel through a series of gates. Each gate you miss is tallied, and missing too many basically condemns you to defeat anyway. If you miss twelve gates your ride will automatically detonate, so stick to the course. In total, you will have to pass through eighty-four gates by the end of the race. It might sound daunting, but stick to the road and you should only miss a few, if that.

As soon as the race begins, hammer on your boost and don’t let up. There will be boost refills hanging around many of the gates, so keep a careful lookout. If you play your cards right, you should almost never have to let go of the boost button. The only tricky thing to watch out for now is hurtling around corners without flying off the edge of the map or missing a series of gates entirely. Use the X button liberally to powerslide smoothly around each corner. As Kamikaze is not exactly the biggest of cars, watch out for larger vehicles like Outlaw who will occasionally ram you off course when going around corners.

Even if you get derailed once in a while, boosting constantly should be able to make up most of your lost ground. Don’t even bother trying to fling weapons at the enemies; you will need all of your concentration to stay on the track and collect all of the errant boost power-ups that lie along the road. Instead, with the default mounted guns equipped, hold down the L2 button for the entirety of the race and simply don’t pay attention to the heavier stuff, for now anyway.

The first of several shortcuts in the area should be coming up soon. When you see a large stone arch in the distance, you’ll know that you are getting close. Keep in mind that taking this shortcut, as well as any of the other ones detailed in the next few paragraphs, will ultimately result in you missing a few gates, and thus you shouldn’t rely on these if you have already missed several. But if you have a clean record, sacrificing a few gates for a few gains in position can be just the tradeoff you need to win. Anyways, when you come up to the large stone ridge, head up the hill straight under it. When you come down the other side of the hill, you can take one of two paths. Either cut directly to the left by the “Clean Start” billboard to reach a dirt path that cuts directly through the main road, or head upwards to pick up some health along with more boost.

Shortly after the entrance to this shortcut, along the main road, you can find another shortcut. If you went through the ridge, when you see a red barricade on the side of the road, crash through it into the construction zone and take the turn above you. This will lead you past three gates, but it may give you the edge in a close race.

After you get past these shortcuts, you’ll be throw around a tight hairpin turn to the left. Ahead you will see a natural stone ramp leading off towards the right. You can boost over this ramp to miss several gates, but gain several positions. This will lead you to the suspension bridge. This is basically just a straight shot, so gun it and go heavy on the Turbo. As this is basically just a straight line to the other side, now would be a good time to start taking out the enemies in front of you. If you’ve collected any weapons with homing properties, fire away to deal massive damage and hopefully take out a few competitors. Better still, if you have any Power Missiles, send them flying straight ahead to blast speedy enemies right off of the road.

As you make your way away from the bridge and start navigating around the treacherous turns of the valley, look out for a rock formation that makes an O-shaped opening on the right. It should be around the second turn. Collect the boost refill and you will be lead right into this little cavern, which also contains a health pickup. This is another shortcut that will see you missing a few gates, two in this case, but again it’s quite worth it for the extra Turbo and health. This shortcut is also available on the way back on the opposite side of the road.

When you reach the town at the end of the road, prepare to make an abrupt right turn. Powerslide to the right as soon as you get into the town to stay on the critical path, then slide again to the left to keep going. The raceway basically makes a square around the city. You should arm the bombs automatically in this area before careening to the left one more time to make your way back out to the main road. Another shortcut is available here. Keep to the right to leave the road, heading up the dusty canyon path instead. This will take you along a mountain ridge that will keep you safe from the chaos below before plunging you back down onto the road.

From here, it’s a straight-up test of speed to get first. As you near the finish line, pop Kamikaze’s Shock Freeze to eliminate the competition around you, and use the Freeze Beam to take out enemies in front and keep people off of your tail. Race over the bomb icon to detonate your opponents.

In order to receive a medal on this level, you will have to beat the following times:

9:00, 13:12, or 14:24 for a Bronze on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

6:00, 6:36, or 7:12 for a Silver on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

4:00, 4:24, or 4:48 for a Gold on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

For beating this level, you will receive the Roadkill vehicle.