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Final Fantasy XIII-2 End-Game Walkthrough Part 31: Oerba 400AF Part 1

Just like Oerba 300AF, the 400AF variant on this area contains numerous Fragments that must be unlocked by completing a series of puzzles. Below are the solutions to the puzzles, where applicable, as well as their locations on the world map.

Puzzle: Temporal Rifts

Rift One:

This rift is located next to the tower in the Village Proper area.

This is yet another of the image puzzles, in which you must collect a series of like-colored gems to resemble the shape of a creature. There are five stages to this puzzle. This first stage will take the shape of a Breshan Bass, the second a Sarracenia, the third a Flanbanero, the fourth a Goblin, and the fifth a Goblin Chieftan. The Breshan Bass image has gens at both of the lower corners of the square. From the lower left corner, go up and right one, then up and left one, then up and right one again, then right, up, down two and right, and down two and right again.

The Sarracenia is a flowery shape, and begins on the second square from the left on the bottom row. From here, go right two, up and left, left, up two, left, up and right, right two and own, and down and left to complete the image. The Flanbanero begins with a triangle shape at the bottom. The second square from the bottom left and the second square from the bottom right are both a part of the image, as is the square in the middle above them. From this square, head up two and right, right again, and down to form the right arm. Then head to the center square in the top, go left, down, down and left, and down again to finish the picture off. The Goblin begins at the top center square. From here, head down and right, right, down, left two, left two again, down and right, down and right, and right. Finally, to solve the Goblin Chieftan puzzle, you’ll have to collect the two gems to the left and right of the top center, the gem in the middle below them, then the triangle of gems arrayed to the lower right of that one. As you form the bottom of the triagnel, run all the way to the left to complete the beast’s torso and hands. Then go down and right and down and right a second time to finish the image.

Rift Two:

The second Rift puzzle is located in the south of the Village Porper area, right in front of the billboard.

This is a tile-based puzzle. Keeping in mind that the red tiles that comprise both areas of this puzzle can only be stepped on once, proceed up, left, left, up, up, right, right, down, right, down, right, up, up, up, left, up, left, and up to finish the first puzzle. You’ll have to wait for some of the moving panels to slide into place. The solution to the second room is as follows: up, up, up, up, left, left, left, down, down, down, left, left, left, up, up, up, up, up, and up.

Rift Three:

This Rift can be found in the water in the beachfront area.

The third Rift is a Hands of Time Puzzle, and the solutions are randomized.

Rift Four:

The fourth Rift is found at the waterfront of the village square, to the east of the beach. You’ll have to pass the staircase here to get to it.

This is another image-based puzzle. This time, the images are of a Bunkerbeast, a Vouivre, a Thermadon, and an Ochu. The Bunkerbeast is designed by collecting the second gem from the top left, then going right two, down and left, left three and down, right, right, right two, right, down and left two, and left two. The next picture is completed by beginning at the center in the very bottom, then going up, up, up, right, up, up and left, and following the two offshooting paths all the way to their conclusions at the top right and lower left. The third image is solved by beginning at the second square from the bottom left. From there, go up and right, down and right, right two and up, up and left, left, up, left, down and left two, and down. Finally, the fourth image, the Ochu, is solved by beginning on the third square from the left, From here, go up and right, up, right, right, up two and left, down two and left, and up and left two. From here, you’ll have to loop back to the bottom and collect the reverse-L-shape of gems beginning on the second row and going up on the right.

Rift Five:

This Rift is found straight in front of the entrance Gate.

To solve this tile-based puzzle, go up, left, up, up, right, right, up, up, left, left, down, left, left, down, down, right, down, left, left, up, up, up, up, right, and up. The next soluciton is simple; go up, left, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, and up. You’ll just have to wait for the moving tiles to slide into place in order to collect the gems on them as you move upwards. The final stage’s solution is up, left, up, up, up, up, up, right, right, down, down, left, right, right, down, down, left, down, right, up, up,  up, up, up, up, and up.

Rift Six:

This Rift is on the roof of the school. You must use Moogle Hunt to make it appear.

This Rift is another of the Hands of Time variety, and has no predetermined solution.

Rift Seven:

This Rift is on the first floor of the large building in the village square.

This is another of the image-based Crystal Bonds puzzle, and it consists of six different images. The solution to the first is to start at the top center, then go down, right, down and right, down and left, down two and left, up two and left, left, up two and right three, then down one. The next puzzle begins in the top center as well. From here, go down and left to get the first gem, then go right two, over the gap, then down and left, down and right, down two, left, up, and left and up to get the last gem. The third puzzle begins in the lower left corner. Go up and right, up, up two and right, up and right two, and then head back down to the bottom to access the lower offshoot. Go up to the single square jutting out into the void, then from there go down, right three, and up two. Head one square to the left to complete the image. The third image begins in the lower center. Go up two, right, right and up two, left and up, left and down, left, left, up, down two and right, and down two and left. The fourth image begins in the top center, head down and left, down, right two, up, down two and left, down, all the way left, and all the way right. The final image is tricky, as the time limit is very strict. The solution is to go right, then right and up to get the piece in the offshooting area, then head all the way left and up one, up two, down and right, right two, up, right, up and left, and left. The right-hand offshoot and the one directly across from it are the two hardest to get right, as they are far away from the others and rarely align with the proper color. Get those down as soon as you can.

Rift Eight:

This Rift is found next to the steps on the beach.

This is another Hands of Time puzzle, and has no predetermined solution.

For beating all eight of the Rifts in this area, you will receive the Farewell Madeleine Fragment, the Tremulous Muffin Fragment, the Dishonest Mille-feuille Fragment, the Bittersweet Chiffon Fragment, the Selfish Pancake Fragment, the Beloved Cinnamon Fragment, the Teatime Mont Blanc Fragment, and the Pink Parfait Fragment.