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SWTOR Walkthrough - Generator Problems - Ord Mantell

Speak with S3 E3, a level 10 melee droid standing in the open in the Avilatan badlands. Kind of a strange place for a protocol droid.

This is a level 7 quest.

S3-E3: It's horrible, just horrible! They're barbarians! They killed them all, and now my mistress is in terrible danger!

You can say:
Calm Down
From the beginning please
Not interested [Refuse Quest]

Tell the droid to calm down, and ask it what's going on. It tells you that his mistress and him were on assignment for the Republic Corps of Engineers at Fort Garnik. Their team was sent to repair a malfunctioning power generator. They were attacked by armed men, Separatists. S3E3 only got away because they did not consider him a threat. His mistress is still up there, and he fears for her life. You must rescue her.

You can say:
On my way
For a girl, sure
I'm going to say "Maybe"

Choose  the first option to tell the droid you will be heading there immediately. He tells you that she is hiding near the power generator at the top of the ridge.

Your task is to find Engineer Celestra. Take the path up the mountains to the South/Southwest. Find Engineer Celestra near a big generator, and talk to her. You tell her to not be afraid, that her droid sent you to rescue her.

Celestra is upset that you were not there when the savages slaughtered her coworkers. But she has bigger problems right now.  She was sent here to complete a mission and that is exactly what she is going to do, but she cannot do it without tools. This generator supplies power to Fort Garnik - it's been sabotaged. It overheats and the fort's defenses, the infirmary... they'll all go down. People are going to die. You can tell her:

So fix it
I'll help
You should be grateful

Choose the second option and tell her you are happy to volunteer. She says that their equipment was scattered in the attack. She can hold the generator steady, but she needs her tools and the liquid coolant to fix it. Your dialog options are now as follows:
Tools and coolant. Got it.
I'm itching for a fight
Right, whatever

Choose the first option to tell her that you will try to find them for her. She asks that you move fast, as there is not much time left.

SWTOR Generator Problems

Check your mission log:

Generator Problems
A droid named S3-E3 and his master, Engineer Celestra, were with a group of engineers sent to repair one of Fort Garnik's power generators. However, a squad of separatists ambushed the team, and S3-E3 got separated from Engineer Celestra, who remains trapped near the power generator. You found Engineer Celestra, but she has lost the tools she needs to repair the generator. Engineer Celestra has asked you to find the tools and return them to her so she can quickly repair the power generator.

Your tasks are:
Recover Liquid Coolant 0/5
Recover a Hyrdospanner
Recover a Multitool
Recover a Turbohammer

All tools should be nearby, a bit to the Northeast. Descend the path a little and start killing Sepratist Saboteurs. This also unlocks a bonus mission:

Punish the Saboteurs
Even if the generator is restored, the separatist forces in this area could overwhelm the Republic. Defeat the Separatists Saboteurs around the generator to ensure their safety.

You need to kill a total of 12 Saboteurs to complete the bonus mission and get some extra experience.

The saboteurs also have the tools you need, so keep killing them until you have recovered all the tools. Drop rate is pretty high, so it should not take you a long time. Once you have recovered the tools, return to Celestra near the generator. She repairs the generator and is happy to report that the temperature is already dropping and that they will be in full power in a few minutes. Collect your reward.

This concludes the mission, Generator Problems.