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Twisted Metal Grimm Walkthrough Part 5: Sunsprings, CA

This now-familiar map will play host to the next event in Grimm’s campaign, but this time the game mode will put the level into a new perspective. You’ll be racing through this idyllic California town in another of the deathrace events. Just like last time, you will have to make it to one end of the area to trigger a bomb, and high-tail it to the finish line before all of the others to detonate the bombs hidden in their cars. Unlike last time, however, not all of the racers will be destroyed in the blast. This race will plant you in the football stadium to the west of the area after you finish, along with the other three top scoring racers. Here, the four of you will have to fight to the death.

This race is also longer than the last, clocking in at a lengthy 106 checkpoints. Again, you are only allowed to miss twelve of these before your vehicle will self-destruct.

You will begin the race by the school on the east side of the level. As soon as the checkered flag drops, so to speak, chaos will unfold around you.  Every racer will begin unloading their weapons in a desperate attempt to pull out in front of the pack. Shields can be very important here, as can the Freeze Beam. Just like last time, Kamikaze is the best choice for this race, as it is fast and has the Freeze Bomb ability. Using the Freeze Bomb at this early point in the race can also turn the tide, as all of the attacking enemies will be stuck in the ice for a few seconds while you pull on ahead. Head straight from the start and swerve around to the left to get behind the school. Pick up the Turbo power-ups around the next trhee checkpoints. This path will end with a sharp left into the school itself.

The corridors of the school are relatively tight. Cut a right to leave the building and reach the next checkpoint. Follow the bath behind City Hall and go left towards the mansion to continue the race. As you head towards the mansion, look out of a shortcut. You will miss two checkpoints, but you will gain some health. If you need the pick-me-up, drive through the gas station on the corner to grab the health and come out ahead. You will have to be precise so as to miss the gas tanks in the station. It won’t be pretty if you hit them.

As you approach the entrance to the mansion, take a sharp right turn to crash through the doors. Stay in the middle and drive straight through the back of the mansion. Turn right to go into the pool and grab the health pickup to the right, in the front yard. After this area, keep following the path to carve through the city. You will be lead towards the satellites on the hills to the south. Along the way, you can take a shortcut through the church by taking the narrow path through the entrance and turning right after you exit to reach the ramp. This will cause you to miss two checkpoints, however, so weigh you options before deciding on anything. The satellites will explode as you near them, creating a ramp. Take the ramp up and turn right. You will be lead around the back side of the valley and off of a ramp. Watch out as the competitors begin to catch up to you and pepper you with gunfire. Again, use your shield to avoid the brunt of the damage. At the end of the path, when you reach the ramp, you can boost off of the ramp to get onto the roof of the City Hall, where you will find a health pickup.

Get down onto the street and head towards the movie theater. Mash down on the boost button and keep it held down as you approach the movie theater. The hallway through here is basically just a long straightaway, so use it to boost up to opponents who are in front of you, and to fire away with any weapon pickups that you may have received during the race. If you’re lucky, you may be able to destroy an opponent in this section. As you reach the exit, hang left and go up to the roof using the ramp. Turn left again. Be sure to grab the Homing Missile and Turbo power-ups here. Drive back down the street level and swing left. You will now enter the final leg of the race. If you aren’t in the top of the rankings here, you won’t stand a chance of making it into the deathmatch that will decide the final winner of this event.

Jam on the boost button and fire away with all of the weapons you have left. This is where the Homing Missiles you just picked up can come in handy. If there aren’t many opponents left in front of you, conserve your weapons and just focus on boosting. You will need all of the offensive power you can get once you reach the football stadium, where there aren’t many weapon power-ups to collect. The road will take you south, around the school, the hills, and the City Hall. Just keep boosting. Once you reach the school on the west, make a sharp right turn to continue with the race. The grassy lawn will mark the final few checkpoints of the race. Take a left to get into the stadium and make it to the finish line. The other opponents will be quick to grab what power-ups they can if they make it here before you, so try to get in first and ride the sides of the bleachers around to grab the power-ups for yourself.

In this small arena, anything can happen. Battling three opponents may sound easy, but the stadium is cramped and chaotic when full to capacity. Kamikaze’s Flamethrower special can be very useful here, as can its Freeze Bomb special, as there is little room to dodge either of them. Note, however, that this vehicle does suffer from lower health than most. If you need a pick-me-up, race up the southern side of the stadium into the announcer’s box. Here you will find a health pickup. Another health pickup awaits you floating above the bleachers, just above where you entered the arena. Grab that one, too, if you need to. Don’t let your opponents reach it first. It can be helpful to grab it for yourself even if you aren’t really missing all that much health, just to keep it out of your enemy’s hands.

Hurry around the floor of the stadium and the bleachers to amass a large arsenal. Once you have collected a sufficient amount of weapons and your specials have regenerated, you should be all ready to go head to head with the remaining competitors. Taking out the rest of the opposition will be an easy task.

In order to receive a medal on this level, you will have to beat the following times:

10:30, 11:33, or 12:36 for a Bronze on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

6:50, 7:10, or 7:48 for a Silver on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

4:30, 4:57, or 5:24 for a Gold on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

For beating this level, you will receive the Super Mine Reverse Shot ability.