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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 17 - Tala-Rane Sidequests

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckong Walkthrough Part 17 - Tala-Rane Sidequests

Head into Tala-Rane through the Red Marshes and you will find Lanus Davril only a little ways north of the entrance. He will offer you the task, “Dangerous Games”. Continuing to the north you will find Niahm Kent wandering the road. Talk with him to get the quest, “Niahm's Labors”.

Head into the southern part of Tala-Rane to find some more quests and some nice loot (as well a lot of Kobolds and Ettins) in the southeastern corner of the area. You will also find Faitir Scaith a little to the west of the ruins. He will offer the quest, “Bell, Book and Candle”.

Dangerous Games
A hunting quest! The break down is 10 Kobolds, 5 Crudoks, 3 Ettins and 3 Jottun. Just accept it and then do not ever worry about it. It is easy enough to find most of those things with enough time.

Niahm's Labors
This quest has you seeking and killing three Kobold Leaders. One is just south of Helmgard Keep: Blackshriek. You will find their camp just to the south of the river running by Helmgard Keep. He only has three other Kobolds with him, making for an easy target.

Head south of Helmgard Keep and start into the passage to the east into Kandrian. None too far in you will find the next of the Kobolds that need to be killed: King Fang. He has a small compliment of four other Kobolds, one of which is a Nightblade. It is easy enough to wipe them out.

Continue to the south in Tala-Rane to find the last of the Kobold leaders: Rotclaw. Head into the southeastern corner and into the narrow passage above the ruins in the area. You will find Rotclaw surrounded by four other Kobold Rogues. Just kill them all then return to Niahm to learn the next part of the quest.

The Crudok is called Smiler. You can find him, or the means to bait him out to the northwest of Naihm.  Smiler is just to the north of the Crogan Hold. Just head under the waterfall to find him and his troop of Brownies. Kill him and return to Naihm.

Next is Kolmir. He is found in the southeastern area among the ruins in the corner. There are two other Ettins backing him up. Defeat them then deal with Kolmir.

Malgar is the next on the list. These are Jottun so something more challenging than what you have been dealing with. Malgar with all of his horde is to the southwest, just before the southern passage into the Wold. You need to head up from the southern edge of Tala-Rane though thanks to the slope of the area. It is very possible to sneak behind them all and just backstab the lot or just engage them all in a melee.

Return to Naihm and he will finally pay you for killing all those beasts.

Bell, Book and Candle
Faitir has asked you to help hm be removed from his family line. The first task is to ring the Solemn Bell, found in Dolve Wayle. This is just to the west of where you find Faitir.

Once inside Dolve Wayle, head to the south. You will see Faitir to the right of where you come in. Approach him and he will automatically start running toward his target, the solemn bell. Follow him through the first corridor and into the next room. There you have a chance to persuade him because of a slip of the tongue. No matter, as four Faer Gorta will come at him. Defeat them and he will have completed his ritual

Head through the southeastern passage with Faitir to continue on toward the codex. You will learn that you are to face the Scrivener as Faitir will not enter the library otherwise. Go on inside and face down a tougher Faer Gorta. After that, you will need to defend him as he finds his name in the codex. Four Faer Gorta will come at him in this time, one at a time. Defeat them and he will add his name to the codex. Be sure to examine the various desks around the area as there is a death notice in there that may be helpful later on.

Follow Faitir to the north as he begins the search for his birth candle. When you reach the room it should be in, it turns out to be missing. He explains that likely the First has taken it. Follow Faitir to the east and down the stairs. There you will find the First Scaith who explains more about the situation that Faitir has involved you in. Now you can either immediately turn Faitir over to the First Scaith or confront him with everything the First has told you about. It is time to choose to either give Faitir over to the First to kill him and bring an end to the curse or to let Faitir complete his ritual to command an army of his own ancestors.

Siding with the First ends the family line and gives you the vast wealth that the family built over their lives. It means you will need to kill Faitir. Siding with Faitir, you must face the first and three Faer Gorta Sentinels. Defeat them and you again gain access to their vault.

Be sure to head to the northeastern part of the tomb and loot that room as it is filled with goods.