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SSX Walkthrough Part 7: Vapor Trail: Race It

This will be your first event controlling Alex. As usual, you’ll have to place in the top three to advance to the next level. You’ll immediately notice that this track is far more dangerous than you others you have raced. Sheer drops rim the path on many sides. These will lead to instant death should you fall in, so be sure to rewind before it’s too late if you do find yourself careening off course.

To start the race, catch the jump or one of the rails to get over the first series of crevices safely. Beware another fall on the left side of the track. Instead of venturing over there, hit the big jump to the right to get some nice air time. Stay to the right to ride the ridges and find collectibles. The center and left-hand paths lead to icy areas that will trip you up if you haven’t bought any ice picks from the Equipment shop yet. Ride the rail in the center to a natural half-pipe of ice. You can ride the left side up to score tricks while propelling yourself forward at the same time.

Stick to the left to launch yourself over the upcoming cavern, or head right to speed down the icy slopes. After the cavern, head right and boost for some massive air. If you have Super Tricky already, exploit it for big points. Catch the rail and boost afterwards to speed safely through the overgrown area. After you’re safely through the trees, grind on the buildings or jump over the reactors in Super Tricky mode for a big points bonus. The path will split to the left and right ahead. Both are full of jumps, as well as a few icy patches. Grind on the natural points alongside some of the higher ridges on either of the left or right paths to maintain a combo while boosting forward. This will elad you to a series of three more submerged buildings and reactors, which can be grinded over. This path will lead you right to the finish line.