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SSX Walkthrough Part 8: The Big Show: Trick It

The Big Show will be the longest of any of the Trick It events that you’ve seen so far. The Diamond Back event that you completed earlier makes up the last third of this event, with the first two thirds consisting of uncharted territory. As always, check in to the Equipment shop to see if there are any boards for Alex that will improve her tricking stats. A good trick board, while lacking in pure speed, is great at boosting hard and spinning and flipping quickly.

Board in hand, begin the event. Jump from the chopper to officially start the event. This event starts with one fairly large jump. Pre-load by holding A and spin or flip off of the jump for a nice little chunk of points right off the bat. From here, keep to the right for another jump. At this early stage in the race, just keep sticking right. Ride the jumps along the wall to eventually reach the helicopter. Kick off of the chopper for an instant Tricky boost. Again, keep to the right and land on the rail. Grind it until it ends. As it ends, jump off to the left. Go off of the jump immediately to your left to hit the chopper again, propelling you into Super Tricky.

From here on out, this event becomes a test to see just how long you can keep yourself in Super Tricky without crashing or fudging a landing. If you can keep yourself in Super Tricky all the way to the bottom, and if you remember to use your Presses when you’re transitioning between jumps, you should easily be able to pass the event in first. If not, no need to worry, as you only need to place third to continue. Always be boosting, and propel yourself off of every potential jump you can see, all while holding both triggers to initiate signature moves while in air. Let Super Tricky carry you as far as it can. Various small jumps and grinds will pepper this area, and you can even make your own makeshift jumps by riding up walls and cliff faces.

When you reach the area with the submerged buildings and reactors from the Diamond Back event, stick to the center to hit a jump and propel yourself off of another helicopter. If you’ve exited Super Tricky, this might be just the burst you need to get back in and score one last big trick. If not, it’ll still get you a big bonus. Jump off of the buildings and Press to the bottom of the event. If you were able to stay in Super Tricky, your score should be formidable.