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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 19 – Galafor Sidequests

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 18 – Galafor Sidequests

In the northern part of Galafor you will find Serabel Nareen. She will give you the quest, “The Valley of the Blessed”.

Head into Tirin's Rest. Wandeirng around the town you will find Atheof Cergren. He will give you the quest, “Out of the Ruins”. Head into Gwastl & Cergren, Merchantile and talk with Gwastl Brad to get the quest, “Tirin's Secret”. Inside the Reedsong Inn you will find Meyra Maun who offers to take a donation from you. Give to get the quest, “Collections”.

Head southwest of Tirin's Rest to find Kandir's Journal on the ground and gain the quest, “The Secret of the Fae Pools”.

Valley of the Blessed
Head south to the cove and you will find Graem Haille. She will ask you to turn the Paling Wand over to her so that they will leave peacefully. Head into Adarus and head straight on to the southwest. You will encounter two Sprite Champions, both Frost. Kill them then head to the north and follow the path deeper in. As the path goes west, you will encounter a trio of boggarts on a bridge. Deal with them and head on.

As the path turns south, it opens into a big room. In there you will find three sprites, two normal and one Frost champion. Defeat them and move on southwards. When the room opens up again, heal. When you cross the midpoint you will find yourself facing down a number of boggarts and a bog thresh. Beat them and then move to collect the wand. With it you can choose who to give it over to, the family or the Priestess.

Take the collections over to the church. You want to get there around 10 pm as that is when everyone clears out. Now head upstairs or hide on the stairs and keep a vigil on the collections chest. The thief shows up around midnight. It is Florian Brennac who tells you that he is passing the money onto refugees around Snowmelt. You can choose to either turn him in or not tell anyone. The choice is yours.

Tirin's Secret
Wander around town and talk with a lot of people. White Nil Kern will tell you little as he wanders near the south entrance of the village. Inside the Reedsong Inn you will find Florian Brennac who gives you some information about Burren Cove and going behind the jail. There are two ways to get into the jail. Through the cove and through the church:

Head northwest out of the village and turn east as soon as you can. Follow the path to find the cove and just slip right in. There you will find Freynold Korrast who will work at denying you entry. Now you can persaude him or insist and fight. Either way, the door is open now. Head through to the south. Be sure to look along the western edge of the room behind the door to find a chest with some goods inside it. Now continue south to find the jail itself.

Head into the church that is in the northern part of town. Go down to the basement and pick the lock. This will take you straight to where you want to go.

At the Jail
Defeat the rats in the area then go through the gate to the west. There you will find Adar who is held captive. He wants to be freed and Nil the White has the key while the Priestess can break the circle with some magic words.

Freeing Adar:
Nil Kern – Talk with him and with a good persuade you can get the key off him. Otherwise he is not too keen to part with it. That leaves pick pocketing to get it and you would want to make a very fast escape after that.
Priestess Corelon – If it is the first time you take with her, have a good persuade if you are not a follower of Lyria. She will not tell you the words you need though so alternative means are needed. Head into the church,  Tirin's Sanctuary. The answer is found somewhere in here. Specifically you will find it on the balcony overlooking the church itself. Head into the office on the left and investigate the desk in the back left of the room. There you will find a Spellbook. Read it to get the words needed to free Adar.

Now return to the cell and you will be able to free Adar easily. He will give you a Gem and offer to heal you if you can find him between hill and dale.

Out of the Ruins
Head from Tirin's Rest to the east from the center of the village. This will get you to the Tywili coast with the greatest ease though there will be plenty of fighting en route. Once there, turn south and keep at it a good while to make it to Culn.

When you arrive in Culn you will have a squad of Six Tuatha to deal with. Kill them quickly so you can search the ruins for Anela. Turn to the building in the southwest of the village and look for the Pangaras Basement. Head down into it. There you will find Bede Pangaras who will tell you she has gone to Virki.

Head to the south from the village into Kandrian. Turn east as soon as you can. You will need to fend of two small waves of Tuatha Raiders when you approach Virki. Once there though there is one more wave of Tuatha to deal with. Inside the ruins you want to head Northwest to search for Anela. She is under attack from a trio of Tuatha. Kill them and it is time to help Anela defeat the Tuatha and seal the path through that they have been using.

From where you meet Anela, start to the northeast. Down the stairs and to the east you will find a pair of Tuatha Raiders waiting for your small party. Head into the next large chamber and you have four raiders on you. Continue to the east and you have one more trio of Raiders before you are close to some of the gates. Head to the northwest passage and follow it to find the first of the three levers you need to throw.

Now turn around and head for the southeast. There are two more levers to be pulled. From the T-intersection leading to the switches, first head northeast. There you will encounter its guard. Take him down and head to the southwest to reach the final lever. Kill its two guards and pull it. Now head back to Tirin's Rest to claim your reward.

The Secret of the Fae Pools
This is an interesting task as you can get a Boggart Companion out of it. To make things simple for something you are meant to experiment with, you must always place the stones in the proper sequence: Northern Urn, Western Urn, Southern Urn.
To do otherwise will trigger traps which are fairly harmful.

Purple (N), Red (W), Blue (S) – Boggart and Experience (this is only really important one)

If you explore behind Cergren & Brand, Mercantile in Tirin's Rest you will find an overturned cart. There you will find a fourth stone, green, which can be used in combinations.

Green (N), Purple (W), Blue (S) – Death's Touch

Blue, Purple, Red – Explosion
Red, Blue, Purple – Poison Trap