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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 20 – Breaking the Siege

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 19 – Breaking the Siege

Make your way out to the east and to Rathir. Once you make it into the city you will find General Tilera. She tells you that Elund Carth is refusing to be reasonable. That means it is up to you to get this sorted out.

Head into the upper levels and go into the Lunar Garden that is in the Northeastern corner of this level. Talk with Elund Carth. With some persuasion you can convince him to at least listen to you else you can agree with him or the old fashioned dialogue tree. With that he will send you to the eastern docks to meet Captain Dodwyn.

When you arrive at Mel Senshir, you will want to talk with Commander Owaiglyn. You will find him southeast of the docks. Talk with him and he will tell you to prepare and speak with him again. Repair your equipment and clear your inventory. It is time to fight a battle within a war. Speak with Owaiglyn again to move things forward to the battle itself.

Reach the Outer Wall
Head to the southwest from where you start. It begins easily with a single pair of raiders. Deal with them and head into fortress itself. As you claim the stairs, another three Tuatha need to be dealt with. Kill them and ascend.

Head through the door and turn to the right to find a chest. Loot it for goods then continue on to the east. As ypu attempt to cross the room, a pair of Tuatha Priest will attakc you. Deal with these Mages quickly.

In the next hallway, you have a lot of traps to contend with. Move forward carefully, as timing is everything with pendulums. As you climb the stairs, move quickly as there is a trap at the top of them. Once you get on the other side you will find Alyn helping with the fight. You need to break two siege ladders the Tuatha have lain against the castle wall and defeat the Tuatha there. Take care of the ladders first as you will need to contend with numerous Tuatha otherwise. After that, kill any that are up there with you. Once that group is dealt with, head south.

Head down the ramp and you will find a group of soldiers that have been taken captive. The Tuatha are trying to get them to lay down their arms. You are asked to sneak in and free who you can. Head to the west, as you come to the turn, start to sneak. Approach the one Tuatha there. Stab him and move to the next corner. You have a Tuatha watching for you here so this part takes a little timing. Wait for his patrol to take him away from the area. Do not worry about any of the soldiers. Take out the patrolling guard first then immediately start picking off the other Tuatha. It will be done before you know it. Now head to the northeast to the next balcony through the door. Again, destroy the siege ladders then deal with the Tuatha. Head down the next ramp. Loot the room of chests and use the forge to clear out any useless items. When you are ready, head through the next door to the east.

Immediately there are three Tuatha to fight, one mage and two swordsmen. Now turn to the Northeast and move forward. As you cross the bridge you will see your targets, the Witch Knight Malwyn and the Niskaru Lord, Balor.

Witch Knight Malwyn
He largely keeps to a basic attack pattern of three swings. He has a number of offensive spells, largely fire balls, and a protective sphere. He will sometimes draw a brief charge to himself then attack with two swipes. Be wary when you see him drive his sword into the ground then vanish. He is teleporting to Balor and having it fire its eye beam down at you. Keep moving during this time.

Once Malwyn dies, they lose control of Balor. Tilera tries to throw the spear by gets an arrow through the stomach just as she does. It is enough to stop one throw but she is determined and presses on. She manages to throw the spear and hit the Niskaru Lord at the cost of her life.

You will rejoin the fight after all this and it is time to pursue Balor and finish him. Head back into the Fortress. You will find two Tuatha just inside and Agarth will come to update you on the situation. Head deeper in. In the next room you have three more Tuatha, one swordsman and two archers. Kill them then loot the room and press forward.

When you reach the balcony there are three Tuatha archers. You can either backstab them all or engage them outright. Either way, deal with them and head back into the fortress after. Back inside you have two more soldiers to deal with, but you have some aid now. Kill then and head up the stairs to the left. The next room gets challenging, two Tuatha soldiers and a Prismere Troll. Deal with the soldiers quickly to avoid them getting in the way then focus on the troll. Use anything that can poison to deal with it and do not relent in your assault for an instant. Victory will come quickly enough, especially with the Tuatha soldiers dead before the troll.

Once the troll goes down, the door to the next room will open. Head up the stairs and to the northwest. You can potentially convince the captain here to join you for come coming fight but it just helps a bit. Now head up to the top of the stairs. Balor will be sweeping the area with energy bursts. Wait for one to come then dash over to the rock facing Balor. Wait for the second to complete the dash back into the fortress. Back inside you have two Tuatha Zealots come at you. Kill them and the door will open. Head through the doorway to deal with one more Tuatha. This Mage will summon a Niskaru Tyrant for you to deal with. Use anything with Ice to take it down quickly. Head on through the nearby door and you will be facing Balor, so SAVE before you do.

Niskaru Lord, Balor
Block immediately as the Balor comes at you. Wait a moment and it will drive a talon into the nearby ground. Assault it to get the Balor to topple. Now unload onto it to work at wiping out as much of its health as you can. It will recover quickly so press this advantage.

Once you get the Balor down to less than half health, it will topple again. Close and assail it. It will largely use its arms to swipe at you which can easily be blocked. It does not seem to use its eye beam much until you get the Balor to less than a quarter health remaining.

Once you get it down to its last bits of health be ready for a lot of button mashing. The Tuatha will call for a retreat immediately and the battle is won. Talk with the Commander to complete the quest. You are award the Twist of Fate, “Siege Breaker” for your efforts. Enjoy it.