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Poptropica Walkthrough - SOS Island Part 3 - Chef and Captain

After rescuing the ship's engineer and witnessing the ship taking a nose drive, go back to the ship. Get to the platform with the umbrella. Jump on it, then keep jumping up to make your way to the top of the ship. Enter the ship through the hole on the top again.  Go down, then start going right. You will have to time your jumps to get through the steam. Push some rubble out of the way. dive down into the water. A fan will fall into the water, push it onto a hole in the bottom. Touch air bubbles to replenish some oxygen. Dive down the hole.

Exit the room and dive up, jump on some platforms and enter the hole near the exit sign. Then enter the freezer. Smash the boxes there. You will soon see the frozen chef. Push the ice cube he is in o the right,  then keep pushing him down through the platforms. There is a crate you ill have to move out of you way here and there.  You can use the crate and lettuce box to block holes so that the chef does not fall into the holes. Get the chef all the way down to the oven, which will thaw the ice and free him.

But things are looking down on the ship, which has now turned completely upside down. Return to the ship, you need to rescue the captain now.  Enter the ship immediately through the hole. dive down, then left, then up again, and enter through another entrance. Dive down and make your way through the ballroom.  Then go right, and enter through another hole. You will be in a room with some crabfish who will sting you. Go to the left, replenishing your oxygen along the way.

Dive down and locate the captain. Tell him that there is noone left on board, so to come with you to safety.  The captain says that he is afraid we are too deep now and would never make it to the surface.  You say that you cannot believe a whale could do so much damage.  The captain says that seeing as we're about to be fish food, he might as well admit it. The whale didn't sink the ship. The captain was steaming after him and hit an iceberg.

So the captain is responsible for this disaster.  He didn't want anyone to know that the whale had bested him. You tell the captain that maybe the whale isn't the monster he made him out to be.  Suddenly you see the whale nearby. You have an idea. You want to see if the whale song gadget works.  Open your inventory and use your wrench on the gadget. It will transmit the whale song. The whale will break the ship wall open. Get into the whale's mouth, and the whale will take you to safety.

The captain thanks you. He owes you his life. He realizes the whale isn't so bad after all. He gives you his captain's medallion, you have earned it this day. For completing the S.O.S quest, you get:

Island Medallion
S.O.S Island

The ship slips beneath the surface and sinks completely.