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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Factions Walkthrough Part 16 – House of Ballads Part 3: Two Knights and a Troll

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Factions Walkthrough Part 16 – House of Ballads Part 3: Two Knights and a Troll

Head for Haxhi once you have the quest from King Wencen. You will find the Fae Woman you seek in the northern part of Haxhi. You will find it to the north of the Haxhi Dam. From there, just follow the path and seek out the Ballads Library. There you will find Tenhwa trapped by a spell. She explains that Nix the Troll and the Maid of Windemere. She will explain that you need to recover five Cairns of Fae Lore.

Head back to the Haxhi Dam and start off to the east.

Cairn Collection One:
Head to the east from the Dam. On the other side of the bridges, after the Boggarts, you will find the first of them.

With part one of the Ballad, head into the nearby cave to the north. As you approach the entrance, expect to encounter a group of four spites. This one is odd in that it has a Flame and Storm Champion in it. Defeat them or just run inside the cave to escape.

Sundur Caverns
Just a little in front of you is Sir Airmer. Talk with him and he will join your party to help out. Start to the west after that and turn to the north when you can. In the northern passage you will first encounter two bears. Now continue to follow the duo to the north. You can turn to the west and deal with a trio of Bears if you are inclinded though.

In the next chamber you will find a piece of the Ballad. It is guarded by four Arcane Barghest. Defeat them and collect the third part of the ballad from the base of the pillar in the center of the room.

Head to the east with the two knights. If you want some extra experience, turn to the north to find a smaller cavern with three Barghest inside it. Otherwise, follow the knights to the east to the next large chamber. As you turn south, expect to fight four Sprites. When you reach the round part of the southern turn, you will find more four Sprites waiting for you. Turn to the east after that to collect another part of the ballad.

Now turn to the south and west. In the following large chamber you will find Nix the Troll. Engage him and four Sprites will appear. Do note that one of them is a Storm Champion. Lay into the Sprites then the Troll to deal with Nix safely. If you can fateshift, that will make this fight an easy one.

With Nix dead and the ballad collected, it is time to return to the Ballads Library to release Tenhwa from the imprisoning spell. Again, you can quickly return via the Haxhi Dam Fast Travel Point (if you did not get the Ballads Library Fast Travel Point itself the first time). After that, just talk with Tenhwa and she will tell you to use the Echostone in the next room and listen to “Two Knights and a Troll”. After you have listened to all five parts, you will know the counter-spell, which is “You are human now, go!”

With that, you will free Tenhwa who will tell you to return to the House of Ballads and talk with King Wencen once again. Head that and do so. You will encounter the Maid of Whitemere and she will explain that she has laid claim to the Court of Enchantments. You need to speak with Hallam the White who is just outside of the court. He will explain more of what is now going one. He will send you to Father Etair.