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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 4 – Childhood Arc: Return to North Lhant High Road, Lhant Hill and Lhant Cliffside

Tales of Grace F Walkthrough Part 4 – Return to North Lhant High Road, Lhant Hill and Lhant Cliffside

At the entrance to the manor, head over to the right to trigger a short cutscene where Asbel decides everyone will head through the side window. After the cutscene, hit “X” to open it up and meet Richard. Exit to the garden entrance of the manor. The party will automatically change up and you get to watch Asbel go against Richard's Swordtrainer, Bryce. After sparring, Asbel decides Richard should see the flowers up on North Lhant Road. The party changes to Asbel, Sophie and Richard.

Head to the left and go up the big stairs to the gate. This takes you back to North Lhant Road. There is likely an encounter waiting for you none too far from the village. Deal with it and continue to the west. This time, there are some extra things that you want to investigate before heading directly for North Lhant Road.

Head past the sign to the left. Keep an eye on the lower left portion of the screen and you may spot a shiny point. Investigate it to get some items, including the Magic Carta No. 4 (Garr Kelvin). Head to the north of there and you will likely have some encounters. After you deal with the two encounters near the end of this section of road. Search the righthand side to find a chest with a Glassphere inside it. Now backtrack to the center and head north to Lhant Hill

Lhant Hill
Head north then turn to the east. Defeat any monsters in your way and head over to the fountain. When you use it this time, it will be added to your Discovery book as “Spring of Healing”. Now continue to the north, dealing with encounters, to return to the meadow where you met Sophie. Be sure to hit the save point before it just in case. There is a boss fight waiting for you when you enter the Meadow this time.

If you manage to beat him in less than a minute, you will get a Trophy for the accomplishment. While a boss, Bryce is unfortunately the first boss of the game. This means he will be easy to beat. It is important to both block and side-step his attacks as they can do good damage unguarded.  After that, focus on just laying into him when he stops attacking.

Lhant Cliffside
Somehow, everyone survived falling off a cliff. After a cutscene, Richard will join the party in earnest and help Asbel and Sophie in battle. Before you go up the cliff-face, go between it and the rock just below it. There you will find a chest with 3 Pickled Plums. Head over to the left briefly to trigger another Skit, “Face Time”. After that, head for the slope. On the first line of ascent you will have a single encounter. When you go around the corner, start walking as the next ledge is quite narrow, there will be more to fight. You will spy a chest to your right, guarded by another encounter. Defeat the Bees and Wolves and get over to the chest (walking is recommended) to claim the 2 Life Bottles inside it.

Walk back across to the cliff-face. Now walk forward and turn to the right when the ledge broadens. You will spot a dark, grey shape. Investigate it to get the “Abandoned Nest” Discovery. Just after that, you have the skit, “Brother's Pride”. After that, continue upwards on the cliff. Again, walk as you head to the right to avoid falling and having to start over. Use the save point after the next ledge to ensure your progress stays. Just beyond that you will start into a scripted battle against 2 Bear Hellions. After that, there is a skit, “About Face”. Now continue to the right. There is a chest with another Glassphere inside it and after that, approach the dark roots on the cliffwall and use those to climb up.

Lhant Hill
Back in the meadow, safely. After the cutscene, everyone present gets the title “Pact Maker”. Be sure to look at the tree after for the “Friendship Tree” Discovery. It will also give you the skits, “The Meaning of Friendship”, “The Facts on Pacts”. Now head south to start on your trek back to Lhant