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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 55: Disable the Dreadnought Part 2

Now that you have cleared out the geth and opened the path ahead, proceed forward and through the second door to the left. This will take you to the catwalks. Keep heading left, where you will find a ladder. Climb the ladder down to the lower level of the ship. Keep heading down until you reach the very bottom. Along the way, search for the Geth Data on the computer, and the Med Kits to the left of the door. From the bottom floor, head forward, into the next room. This will be the room where the guns are controlled from. Turn to the left to find a walkway that will lead you down and around to the side, towards a hallway what is basically a giant tube for one of the ship’s guns.

This hallway will occasionally charge with electric energy. This is part of the process of firing the ship’s main guns, something it’ll have to do fairly often. If you get caught in the electricity, your shields will be instantly fried. Geth will emerge, both of the regular Trooper variety and of the Rocket Trooper class. They are resistant to the electricity that stems from the charging gun, so you will have to be very careful in this section, and you will have to think about which approach is best for you to take.

It might be safest for you to stay all the way at the far end of the hall and simply snipe the enemies as they come to you. You will only have a short period of time to pop out and fire off a shot before the hallway begins to charge again. That little wrinkle makes sniping a lot more difficult than it usually is, as you might not have the time to pull off a great shot. Take what you can get. You don’t always need a headshot to kill an enemy in one hit, depending on how powerful your Sniper Rifle is. Keep in mind that cloaked Hunters will begin to file into this area during the midpoint of the battle. They will move towards you pretty much constantly. You will want to have your squad positioned in front of you a bit, so that they can hold off the enemies while you snipe. At the very least, their struggles will give you a good idea of where the cloaked enemies are in relation to you.

If you are good at timing, you can also simply rush into the hallway ahead. You will have to retreat to cover every so often when the gun begins to charge, but as long as you get out of the way fast enough you should be golden. Use Biotics and Tech to slow down or cripple the geth enemies, then finish them off when they’re weak with a Shotgun or a charge melee attack. Just as before, use area of effect attacks like Nova, Grenade, or Singularity to find the cloaked Hunters. It can also be helpful to use the Combat Drone to distract the enemies as you advance down the hallway, especially if you use the Tactical Cloak, as you will be able to loop around behind them and carve through their forces with a Shotgun. Shockwave can also be quite helpful here, as this is a long and narrow corridor.

There are several sections to the hall that loop around to the side also. If you are careful about timing your run so that you don’t get hit by the electricity streaming throughout the hallway, you can effectively flank around them by leaving your squad behind as a distraction. Use the same strategies as you would if you were simply rushing them, as in the last strategy. Once you get to the other side of the hallway, you will be safe from the electric bursts, so this might be one of the safer strategies. Just make sure that you stay down when the enemies see you, so that they can’t hit you through the gaps in the wall.

After you’ve taken out all of the enemies, salvage the Geth Data from the computer about halfway down the hall. Head to the far end and take a left turn. Use the switch to open up the next path. It will begin to charge for a burst of fire. Run down the path to reach the opposite side before it fires. If you don’t make it on time, the blast will kill you for sure. You will now find yourself in the Exit Hall. You are almost at the end of the Gun Battery area. Unfortunately, you will need to clear out the area of Rocket Troopers and other geth soldiers before you can proceed further. There is plenty of cover for you to duck behind here, so pick a spot and hold out. You can simply run up the main hallway towards the center, picking off enemies in front and above, while taking cover where possible. If you can, kill with melee, as the geth will attempt to close the distance between you however possible.

Hunters will also roam the upper balconies, along with the Rocket Troopers. From below, shoot the Rocket Troopers down. Use Biotics to help along the way. It may be hard for you to tell if there is a Hunter on one of the platforms or not, and climbing up one of the ladders into their paths can be deadly. Take a moment or two to look for the shimmer of their cloaks before you decided to climb up to the next level. From your perch above the battlefield, you can seek out the other Hunters and kill them with Sniper Rifle shots or Biotics and Tech.

After the battle, search the console to the right to salvage some more Geth Data. Activate the platform controls and climb onto the lift. As you go up, more Rocket Troopers will emerge. They will shoot your lift. As if falls apart, sprint over to Tali. When you reach her, climb up the ladder. At the top, be sure to grab the Med Kit next to the bed.