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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 56: Disable the Dreadnought Part 3

Proceed to the center of the room. You will see a strange object protruding from the ceiling. Activate the console and the orb will open, revealing a geth trapped inside. If Legion survived your game in Mass Effect 2, the geth inside will be Legion. Otherwise, you will be met with another geth who opposed the Reapers. This particular unit was apparently imprisoned because it was more complex in nature than its counterparts. It is smart enough to oppose Reaper control.

After your conversation with Legion, search behind you for the Assault Rifle Precision Scope and some Geth Data. Climb the ladder to reach the next floor, then head to the left around the circular level. Activate the computer console at the other end. This will free Legion. In return, he will disable the ship’s drive core. The geth will immediately begin to attack you. Take cover behind the pillars, and direct your squad to take cover to the right. The geth will crawl around the outside edge of this arena, so keep them in view and use Nova or Shockwave to knock them back before laying into them with weapons fire. You squad will cover your back while you mow down the large part of the enemy force on the outside edge of the arena. Watch out for the Rocket Troopers, who will send the explosives hurtling your way. If you have a Sniper Rifle, try to go for headshots on the Rocket Troopers. If you are a Tech or Biotics player, use Overload or another similar power on the Rocket Troopers to weaken them before finishing them off with gunfire.

Alternately, players who prefer to get up close and personal can lead their squad through the circular arena and towards the center, where you will find better cover. You will also, however, be stuck in the middle of the battle. Using Nova can be helpful when you get surrounded. If you find yourself in a tough spot, Infiltrators can use the Tactical Cloak power to escape unnoticed and regain some health from the safety of cover before reemerging back onto the battlefield. You will have to make heavy use of Biotics and Tech to distract the enemies and lead them away from your position. Use a Combat Drone to get the enemies attention off of you, or Singularity, Pull, or Warp to buy yourself some time in a dangerous situation. If the enemies group together, use Grenades or a powered-up Concussive Shot to deal damage to the group.

This will leave only you and the Geth Prime, the most dangerous of the geth enemies. Reconvene with your squad. The Geth Prime will be releasing Drones to attack you. If left unchecked, the Drones can do damage that, combined with the Geth Prime’s attacks, can prove fatal. Take cover a good distance away from the enemy, and command your squad to take cover around or in front of you. Tell them to focus all of their fire on the Geth Prime, while you line up headshots from a distance. After a couple of direct hits to the face, the enemy will fall and another wave of enemies will rush out to attack you.

The arena will be largely unchanged since the first wave of enemies came out, so dig into cover and figure out which strategy worked best for you last time, and follow it here. As you mop up the last few enemies, the ship will begin to shutter and groan. The quarians have already begun to fire upon the geth Dreadnought, even though you and your squad are still inside. The ship will begin to sustain heavy damage. You will have to run to the hanger and board a geth fighter ship to escape. Sprint around the circular arena and climb down the ladder. Turn left and run through the door that you’ll find here. Keep running as the ship begins to explode around you. The path ahead will explode and collapse. Turn and keep running. Follow the path, as there is really only one way to go here. Alternate paths will explode and collapse upon themselves before you can run down them.

You will soon reach the long walkway that you crossed when coming onto the ship. As you run across it, it will crumble beneath you and you will fall to the level below. Once Shepard is up, turn right and follow this path to reach the top level, where you will meet up with the friendly geth. You will reach the hanger and commandeer a fighter just as the ship begins to collapse around you. When you reach to Normandy, you will find the quarians arguing.

Admiral Hackett will speak with you in the War Room before you talk to any of the quarians. He will remind you that Earth needs the quarians to survive, and if you can’t convince them to cooperate and join your cause, all of this has been for nothing. Head back to the quarians and a cutscene will play. They will still be locked in a vicious argument. You can either storm in angrily, cursing them for firing on the ship while you and your squad were still aboard, or take a more level-headed, political approach. Your approach to this conversation will yield Paragon or Renegade points, but otherwise it won’t do much to change the outcome of the mission. Instead, the argument will begin to defuse when the Geth VI that you rescued walks in to the room.

The quarians will quiet down and ask to dismantle to geth to study it. You can either support them, or deny them access to the geth. Afterwards, you c an speak with the quarians and the Get VI to obtain unique missions. Just like before, with the turians and the krogan, you will not have to complete both missions to progress, but you can complete both if you would like to see more of the story. The Admirals will ask you to rescue a stranded Admiral from the geth, while the Geth VI will ask you to enter the geth’s hive mind on Rannoch.