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SWTOR Walkthrough - Victims of War - Ord Mantell

Speak with Lieutenant Xorem in Fort Garnik on Ord Mantell to begin this mission. This is a level 6 quest.

Lieutenant Xorem: Damn Separatists. All they're doing is cutting themselves off. Cockeyed fools. All of them. Did you hear about the bridge to Mannett Point? Those foolish Separatists think by blowing up the bridge to Mannett Point they're striking a blow for the people, but all they've created is division. And division is death. Lots of good people got stuck in Mannett Point when the bridge went out. The separatists are trying to divide us. Divide and Conquer. There was a doctor there - Jaen Kett. Brilliant medical man and staunch Republic Supporter. Essential to our effort. We need someone with the know-how to find him.

Volunteer to help. Xorem tells you that last contact they had with the good doctor was on Manett Point. Seeing as the bridge is out, you'll have to swim the channel. And you'll want to watch out for the separatists on the shore. If you have any luck finding the doctor, try to get him back to Fort Garnik.

Check the quest log:

Victims of War
Lieutenant Xorem wants the brilliant Dr Jean Kett rescued from the Separatists in Mannett Point. You agreed to find the doctor so he can continue to aid the Republic Effort. Search Mannet Point for Doctor Kett.

Your first objective is to find Doctor Jaen Kett.

Travel to Mannett Shore, and from there swim across the water to get to Mannett Point. Before crossing the water, you can start killing Separatist enemies to unlock the following bonus mission:

Ending the Insurgency
The road to Mannett Point is battle-scarred. Separatist forces are pushing further and further towards Fort Garnik every day. Defeat the separatist forces along the road from Fort Garnik to Mannett Point.
Task: Defeat 12 Separatist Forces

At Mannett Point, open your map and locate the Mannett Point Medical Center, which is the building in which Dr. Kett is. Talk to Kett. He realizes you are not with the Separatists and asks you what you want from him.  He will not let you harm the children.

Victims of War SWTOR

When you tell him that you came to rescue him, he tells you that there are people on this island who need saving more than he does. The Republic shouldn't waste its time on one man. He cannot leave the island. The children need him. They are orphans, most of them. Their parents were killed during the fighting over Mannett Point. A few of them have family on the other side, but they're too young to swim that far. They all need food and medicine.

According to Dr. Kett, the Republic won't help either. He has seen the corruption in their ranks. They don't care about the people of Mannett Point. He wants to cut you a deal. If you can convince the Republic to send help for these children, he will return to Fort Garnik. Choose any of the next options from dialog wheel. Threatening him won't help. Jaen says that he doubts the Republic's going to requisition boats just because you said so. He will write out what he needs and sign it. If you can get them to come and save the children, then he will come back too.

Your task now is to report back to Lieutenant Xoren at Fort Garnik to inform him of Jaen's demand. Quick Travel to the Fort. You tell Xorem that the Doctor is taking care of about twenty orphans. The Lieutenant thinks Jaen is insane when he sees the list of demands. He asks you for your opinion. Can we really get the doctor and the kids out of there, or should we just focus on the doctor himself? Answering this question will impact your Light/Dark Force balance. You can reply:

We can't leave anyone behind (LIGHT)
Forget the kids (DARK)

Light Force Option
Choosing this option, you tell Xorem that the children need help and instruct him to rescue the kids and the doctor. Xorem agrees. You get 100 Light points. Xorem congratulates you for your help in finding the doctor, and gives you your reward.

Dark Force Option
Choosing this option, you tell Xorem that the doctor is the only one he needs, and that there is no sense wasting time or effort on non-essential personnel. Xorem agrees, and you get 100 Dark Points. Xorem gives you the reward.

This concludes the mission, Victims of War.