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SWTOR Walkthrough - Rogues - Korriban

In the Antechamber of the Tomb of Tulak Hord, atop a grate, find a holopad near a dead body. Examine the Holopad to receive the transmission. This is a level 8 quest

Apprentice Peyterra: Those... blasted mining droids... were tougher than I thought. I'm not going to make it... but I hope whoever is watching this will honor me. Escaped slaves stole weapons from the Academy, fled into this tomb. They've reprogrammed the mining droids. Without those droids, the slaves won't survive. Tried to take them down myself. Didn't work out. Destroy enough rogue droids, and the slaves will die. Teach them not to cross the Sith.

Open your mission log:

You found a message from Apprentice Peyterra explaining that escaped slaves managed to reprogram the mining droids to act as a defensive measure. Apprentice Peyterra claims that taking out the droids will ensure the slaves' eventual destruction. The escaped slaves mustn't be allowed their freedom. Destroy the reprogrammed droids in the tom of Tulak Hord.

Your task is to destoy 8 reprogrammed droids.

Head to the southeast, to the Ruined Atrium. As you kill enemies, such as the Slave Rebellion Fighter, you will unlock a bonus mission:

Make an Example (Bonus)
Escaped slaves defile the tomb of Tulak Hord. Punish the Trespaassers.
Defeat 15 Escaped Slaves

SWTOR Rogues

There should be slaves and reprogrammed guard droids in the antechamber, and more outside in the ruined Atrium. Once you have killed 8 droids, your quest log will update:
"You destroyed several of the rogue mining droids, thinning the escaped slaves' defenses. Report your success to inquisitor Jarobi on the second floor of the Sith Academy. He will likely reward your efforts."

Quick Travel to the Sith Academy and speak with Inquisitor Jaroby on the 2nd level, in a room to the west (The room where the Sith Inquisitor Trainer is). He learned of how you followed in the footsteps of failed apprentices, ones sent to slay renegades and crack the shells of armored droids. You fared better. Tell him that the droids are defeated. He tells you that the mining droids not only protected the slaves who subverted their program, but threatened to damage the tombs of the ancients.

You get a Korriban Commendation as a reward. That completes the mission, Rogues