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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 15 – Old Grale Highroad, Return to Wallbridge Ruins

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 15 – Old Grale Highroad, Return to Wallbridge Ruins

Old Grale Highroad
Start going to the west. There is a Save Point just outside of town, in case it is needed. Now continue to the west. The first chest you spot to the north have 1,300 gald inside it. Continue west, turning north when you need to start up a hill. Keep an eye on the left-hand side to a chest just behind the first tree there. It contains an Overgrown Crystal. Keep going up the hill and just past its crest you will spot a fellow with a Smiley Face above him. Approach and talk with him three times. This forces Asbel and company into a battle against a Bandit Leader, 2 Bandit Hunters and 2 Bandits. After the battle, Pascal gains the “Wind Summoner” title and you will find the Green Cryas.

Be sure to look at the grass below where you had this encounter as there can be a Sparkling Spot there. Now continue to the north. Just a little ways from where Asbel encountered the Bandits you will find some carrots in the ground. Investigate them to get the discovery, “Carrots” and gain 3 (be sure to grab 2 more to complete the quest). This triggers the skit, “Weird Science”. Keep going north to find a Slow Charm in the next chest just past the rise above the carrots. Look a little to the north of it to potentially find a Sparkling Spot. Keep going north through the pass after that. Be sure to stop before you cross over into the East Lhant Road, as you have reach the turn around point for now.

When you get close to town, you will see a Turtlez Merchant has set up shop. With the Bandits gone, he feels safe enough to do this, good job!

Return to the Inn and turn in the sidequests that you completed on Old Grale Highroad. Now head back to Gralesyde Highroad and backtrack to the warp to the Wallbridge Ruins.

Wallbridge Ruins
Once you are back inside the ruins, start by heading north. Just as you begin this trek, you get access to the skit, “Touched in the Head”. Ride the first North Glowing Platform over. On this platform you get the “Inside the Ruins” skit. Now take the West Glowing Platform over one. Head forward and take the Green Glowing Platform up. Here you will find a Warp that will take you inside Wallbridge itself. Approach it for a cutscene.

Immediately in the Armory that you appeared in is a Save Point! Exit the Armory and head north on the  bridge Asbel appears on. You will be in the SW Main Tower. Open the chest behind the ladder to get an Elven Cloak. Now take the ladder up two floors and exit out the northern door. Head north to the next tower after that. Inside the NW Main Tower, step onto the ladder and take it down two floors. Pull the lever you see here to raise the north bridge. Now head out the door to the north, cross the bridge to Perimeter NW Tower B1 and inside there, investigate the barrel to discover “300 Year-Old Barrel”. Approach the barrel to get access to the skit, “Windor Rising”. Now backtrack to the previous room with the ladder and head up two floors again.

From this room, head north again twice to the Preimeter NW Tower. Open the chest to the right to find a Darkshine Crystal. Climb up the ladder in this room a floor, cross over to the east and descend down a level to Preimeter Tower NE. Open the chest hidden behind the barrels to get the Book of Talent (which increases your SP gain!) then out the door to the south and contine south to the NE Main Tower. Take the ladder in it down all the way to find a Turtlez Merchant. Restock and just next to him is a chest with 285 units of Eleth inside it. Once you are done there, head back up two levels and go to the south. Turn to the west and up the stairs to reach the next room you want. Inside you witness a strange scene with Richard. After this, you will get the Fortress Key. Richard will also get the “Belligerent Prince” title. Open the chest by the northern staircase to get a Titanium Scabbard. Now exit the room to the east.

Head to the southern tower and take the ladder down two floors. Pull the lever in this room to lower the South Bridge. Now head to the south twice. IN Preimeter Tower SE B1, open the chest to receive 4 Apple Gels. Now return to the ladder in the Main Tower SE and go up two floors. Exit to the south and turn to the west to find a Save Point and the skit, “Sword of Salvation”. Head all the way to the other side of the bridge then turn south. Inside this room, Preimeter Tower SW, is the final lever to raise the South Gate. Exit to the north for a cutscene and you enter into a battle against Malik.

You go against Malik and 2 soldiers. Keep the pressure on Malik with some work on the soldiers. Defend to recharge your CC quickly.

Now continue to the north, into the Main Tower SW and take the ladder down a level. Exit out of this room to the east. Go up and to the left to find a Turtlez Merchant and to the right of him a chest with 2,100 gald inside it. Head a little to the south of the tower to trigger another cutscene. After all that, head to the Main Tower SE and go up a level. Exit north and take the bridge west to once again reach the Central Tower. Approach the guards past the table to get access to the skit, “The Prince of Violence”. Head all the way up to the top here to find Richard and another interesting cutscene with him.

Now head to the North for another cutscene.