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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 78: Priority: Cerberus Headquarters Part 4

Boss Battle: Kai Leng

This will be your final battle against Kai Leng, and the last barrier standing in the way of you heading out to liberate Earth from the Reapers. The assassin will attack you as soon as he sees you, initiating a button-pushing quick time even where you will have to shake him off. When you regain control, Kai Leng will be at the opposite side of the battlefield. Shoot him as soon as you can, using EDI’s Decoy Tech ability to distract him. Make sure that you and your squad have all spread out across the massive office, so that at the very least the assassin will have other targets to focus on than you. If he does approach to attack you, use Stasis, Shockwave, Warp, or Throw to push him off balance and escape.

When you have depleted Kai Leng’s shields, he will retreat to recharge just like last time. This might seem like the ideal time to rush him and finish the job, but resist that temptation. The assassin will lift his fist in preparation of dealing a great blow to the ground. This will release a shockwave that will destroy your shields and part of the floor. After Kai Leng hits the ground, several waves of Cerberus troops will drop down into the room. First will come a wave of Assault Troopers, who will be easily dealt with. Next, a wave of Nemeses will drop into the room. Get up close to them. Don’t allow them to use their Sniper Rifles effectively. You should be able to take them out easily enough. Finally, a third wave consisting of Phantoms will drop into the room. This will be the toughest wave. Find a good corner and let the enemies come to you, using a Shotgun or Biotics to kill them as they funnel towards you.

This will thrust you into battle against Kai Leng again. Strafe in circles around Kai Leng, who will mostly occupy the middle of the arena. And shoot at him. Roll out of the way when you see him charging up a long range shot, and stay nimble when he comes in close. Spread your squad out to give him multiple targets and buy yourself a little bit of time. If you’re playing a class that specializes in close range combat, you may even benefit from drawing him in towards you. Use moves like Nova and Biotic Charge to deal heavier damage than you may expect.

After the battle is over, talk to the Prothean VI again. After this conversation, head back to the Normandy, where you will prepare to attack Earth and drive the Reapers back for once and for all.