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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 34 – High Fulgen Sidequests

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 34 – High Fulgen Sidequests

Once you find the Mortal Army encampment, Camp Moondown, you will find two sidequests quickly. The first is offered by Captain Canwen, “The Siege of Moondown”. Talk with the Knave of Pride again and he will give you the quest, “Bolgan Bane”.

The Siege of Moondown
The quest starts as soon as you take it. It is going to be you laying waste to a wave of Tuatha Forces. The wave has 3 Soldiers and 3 Raiders. Defeat them and talk with the Captain again to learn more of what you can do, which is collect the Healer, Weaponsmith and Mercenaries.

He was taken to Glasspillar Caves. These are found in the eastern part of Hith Fulgen, a little southeast of the camp. Just follow the steam to the east and you will find it a little before its end. Once inside the Glasspillar Caverns, head first to the west, where you will encounter 2 Raiders and a Bolgan Beastmaster. Defeat them and go South and West. In the first chamber you reach, you will find 2 Bolgan Brutes waiting for you. Continue to the West to find who you are looking for, guarded by 2 Soldiers and a Priest. Defeat them and you will be able to reach Colm no problem. He has unfortunately been wounded cannot heal himself. He asks you for a Powerful Healing Potion. You can use Persuasion to Lie, give him one or just say no. Either way, he will ask you to lead him to the exit. Just follow the path back there and head back to camp.

Head to the South from the Camp, as the Whispering Caves are in the far Southern portion of High Fulgen. Follow the path to the East then South. The Whispering Caves are just to the south of the road, and the only cave off the path at this point. Deal with the Sprites and their Ice and Flame Champions to head on in. Once inside the Whispering Caves, head South and to the East. At the first intersection, 3 Faer Gorta Sentinels wait for you. Jump down and continue to the next intersection. There you want to head East again and you will find your smith in a cage. Pull the nearby lever to release her and summon  4 Faer Gorta that will immediately attack you. Talk with Anella Saff and she will rather ungrateful about the rescue, in fact, she explains she is after a treasure here: The Breath of Arba. Offer to follow her there.

She will start by going to the West, then turn South. Thgere you will find 3 Zealots waiting for you in the room. Approach the staff after you deal with the Tuatha and 5 Faer Gorta will appear and attack the pair of you. Now it is time to make for the exit. Follow her to the West immediately out of the chamber you are in. Head North and at the first intersection you will find 3 Faer Gorta that appear and ambush you. Another 4 will appear shortly after you wipe out the first batch, one of which is a Zealot. Once you make it to the exit, the staff is automatically removed from your inventory and you are asked to return to the captain for the final part of the mission.

When you return to camp, you will find the Camp has come under attack again. This attack has 2 Overlords, a Bolgan Brute and 6 Soldiers. Defeat this group and talk with Captain Canwen again to begin the next segment of the mission, regaining the Mercenaries.

Head south along the path, turning west at the first intersection. When there is a Southeastern path off this one, follow it. You will find the Mercenaries on the landbridge here. As you approach their camp, 4 Raiders will come at them. Help the Mercenaries defend their camp. After that, talk with Gorem Kane, the leader of this squad of Warsworn. Either you can accept the task and take down some Tuatha Watchtowers, persuade (and very hard too) or pay them 5,000 gold.

The Watchtowers
The first watchtower is just to the North from the end of the bridge. As you approach the end of the bridge, you are attacked by 4 Sprites. This group includes a Storm and Frost Champion. Head just to the North to find the Watchtower. It is guarded by 5 Soldiers. The second Watchtower is just to the West of the first. It is guarded by a Priest and 2 Soldiers. The third Watchtower is to the South of the second and quite heavily guarded. It has 5 Soldiers defending it. Once all the towers are burnt, return to Kane and he will head over to the Camp for a while longer to help defend it.

Time for you to return to the camp as well. Now it is time for you to do one last thing, make a speech. Head just to the East and stand on the raised platform to make your speech. You will have a number of Persuasion options, these get some good results. Aside from there, make whatever choices you wish to inspire the troops. Once the speech is over, there is one final assault on the camp. This group has 2 Bolgan Thugs, 3 Zealots and an Overlord. After this battle, talk with the Captain to finish out the quest.

Bolgan Bane
You need to locate and kill 3 Bolgan Masters that are spread throughout the area. Start by heading to the South, following the road out of the Camp. When it splits into two, start heading directly south. You will shortly notice a landbridge above you to the right. Head over there to find the first of the Bolgan Masters. Engage him, his two Bolgans and 4 Sprites, one of which ou  next Bolgan Master. There is a small force just at the base of the ledge so expect to get held up fighting them (which will likely draw one of the Bolgan Thugs to you). After that, head up onto the ledge and face down the remaining Bolgan Thug and its Master. Approach them and kill them.

The third Bolgan Master is found inside the Glasspillar Caverns. Head back to Camp and start to the east from there. Follow the stream and you will quickly find the Caverns. Once inside the Glasspillar Caverns, head first to the west, where you will encounter 2 Raiders and a Bolgan Beastmaster. After that fight, head to the North and West. You will spot the Bolgan Master and his two Brutes. Engage them and kill them all. Now just return to camp and you will finish out this quest.