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Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 40 – Reckoning

Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 40 – Reckoning

Follow Alyn deeper into the depths of the Court of Winter. Head behind the throne and across the bridge to the West. This will lead you to the home of Tirnoch, the cave of Amethyn.

You and Alyn start in the entry way. Head forward into the chamber before you. As you enter it, a piece of Fate will part from you. You now must face a Splinter of Fate. This one focuses on melee style fighting. That makes it easier to parry and with Alyn's help, it will be a quick fight.

Alyn is surprised by this ability of Tirnoch and concedes some parts are worth considering her a “God”. Head North then West. You will go down a slope and Tirnoch will again rip out some of the Fate that you have absorbed

This Splinter of Fate is Finesse focused with daggers. Again, use of parrying will work well here. If you are a slower combatant, then use something with Ice to slow down this Splinter. Defeat it and it will be reabsorbed into you.

Continue to the south from this chamber. If you explore some, you will find random items laying around. Most are not really worth grabbing outside of completion or for some quick gold later. Once you reach the next small chamber, another Splinter of Fate is ripped from you.

This one is Sorcery focused and comes at you with Chakrams. You cannot so much parry these but you can close the distance quickly. Within a melee range, the blades are not as effect nor are the spells it might throw at you. It will also use Sceptre blast, not something that happens to often. Defeat it and move on.

Head to the West and turn North. You are closing on Tirnoch. In the next chamber you reach, she will pull out a pair of Splinters. One Mage and one Melee. Just fight them as usual as they appear to be getting weaker. Tirnoch will speak as well, revealing some more of the choices that you made before your death. This alludes to Tirnoch herself was the one who ensured that you would be able to break free of fate, in exchange for you breaking her free.

Cross the final bridge and you will be at the door leading to Tirnoch herself. Alyn will talk with you one more time, explaining her role. Here you choose for her to keep the secret or not. Finish talking with her and head into the Throne Room.

Once inside the Throne Room, just head to the South and keep going. You will reach the Throne itself and it is time for some battle.

She starts by draining your Fate meter and summoning another Splinter. Defeat this one quickly as it focuses on different abilities that you have. Defeat it and she will summon a different one. This will repeat with you filling your Fate bar. As soon as it is full, use it to stun Tirnoch and land a few hits on her (and shoot a bolt of Fate Energy at her).

After the blast she moves to a different platform. Now she will begin ripping 2 Splinters of Fate from you. Rebuild your Fate Bar and once again, attack her with a Fate Bolt. Tirnoch will fall again and you should be able to get her to half health.

Once again, she will move platforms. Now you are facing 3 Splinter of Fate. This will make it much easier to rebuild the Fate Bar and attack Tirnoch directly. Play attention to what is coming at you and go for whichever gives you the most trouble first. Prioritizing the Splinters can be a major life saver here. Now, use this time to tear into Tirnoch. This leads to a final QTE. Mash the buttons and you will take down the dragon Tirnoch.

Doing all of this gains you a final Twist of Fate: Destiny Defiant
+5% Damage
+5% Damage Resistance
+10% Mana
+10% Health

When you come to, you are in Rathir. Agarth will waiting. He tells you that the Crystal War is nearly over now. You now have the Orbocant as your Stash/Home. Head on outside and you are free to wander the world and complete any Quest you have left over.

Congratulations on Beating Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning!