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Armored Core 5 Walkthrough Part 8: Order 6

This mission will be different from all of the other ones you have take on so far. You will be fighting the Migrant faction, although only one of their fleet will come out to challenge you. That enemy is an AC called Flame Fly. This AC is bigger than any you will have battled so far, so keep in mind that it has many, if not all of, the same capabilities as your AC does. You can bring in another party member in the form of a mercenary, but it’s not really recommended. This is a tougher enemy than you’re used to, for sure, but it’s nothing you can’t handle yourself.

In this mission, you will be going head to head against Flame Fly and Flame Fly alone. This is a medium weigh bipedal AC. It prefers to use rapid-fire weapons such as Machine Guns and Pulse Guns. It also favors a charge attack, although it lacks the raw weight to deal much damage using the charge, so it’s more of an annoyance. Ideally, you should be able to cut off most of Flame Fly’s attacks by getting in close. If you don’t have a Shotgun and an Energy Blade equipped, now would be a good time to go into the maintenance bay and equip them.

You will start off on the opposite side of the arena as Flame Fly. The enemy will boost towards you. Mirror him, boosting right back at him. Use a weapon with decent medium-range power to hit him as you boost towards each other. Then, at the last second, veer off to the side to avoid his burst of gunfire and switch out your medium range gun for a Shotgun. Swap out your other weapon for a blade if you have one equipped. Wielding the Shotgun on one arm and the Energy Blade on the other, get close to Flame Fly’s side or back flank and chew into him from up close. In the breaks between Shotgun blasts, slash at him with the Energy Blade. Flame Fly will attempt to escape by boosting away from you and towards the back of the arena, where you started out. Don’t let him have any time to catch his breath. Follow him to the back of the arena and follow up your initial attacks with another volley of Shotgun blasts and Energy Blade swipes. Confused and trapped, Flame Fly will go down in no time. You will receive Flame Fly’s emblem after winning the battle.