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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Walkthrough: Corruption Part 11: Licker Attack

This will be the final leg of the Corruption mission, and the most challenging at that. After destroying all of the evidence, head into the next room. You will find equipment here to help you survive the final battle. You will find two pieces of Intel as well, one sitting on the table to the left, and the other on the table to the right. Behind the Intel will be a Green Herb. Use this on yourself if need be, or save it for one of your squad to use. Climb down the stairs in the back corner of the area to find more helpful items. There will be an ammo locker here, so fill up your weapons of choice. Also grab the Antiviral Spray from the ground, and the several First Aid Sprays scattered about on the ground. Turn around to find an Incendiary Grenade sitting next to a third piece of Intel, and shoot the lock on the weapons locker to find a Light Machine Gun waiting for you inside. This can be useful in the next room, where you will have to dump tons of ammo into endless waves of Lickers in order to survive.

Head through the door when you are prepared. Walk forward, into the auditorium. A shot cutscene will play in which Nicholai emerges and unleashes a horde of Lickers. These enemies, for those who are new to Resident Evil, can cling to walls and ceilings just as well as they can the ground, making them highly agile and dangerous enemies. They also have far more health than the standard zombie. The long tongues from which they earn their names can shoot out nearly half the length of the auditorium. When they grab you, you will have to wiggle the left stick back and forth very quickly to escape, or risk becoming zombified. If you picked up the Antiviral Spray in the last room, this shouldn’t be a huge problem. But if you get zombified more than one, you will have to finish the objectives as quickly as possible and sprint to the end of the area in hopes of beating the remainder of the mission before you turn.

Luckily, you will have a brief respite from attack if you are able to successfully shoot the Lickers down from the walls and ceiling. They will fall onto their backs and lie motionless on the ground for a few precious seconds. This is your cue to sprint up to them and viciously kick them (by tapping the melee button) until they explode into a puddle of goo and die. Just watch out for other licker attacks while you’re finishing off your target, as their range is great. Watch out for your allies becoming infected in this section. The lickers’ attacks are frequent and powerful, meaning that there’s a chance of one of your teammates getting attacked and becoming infected without any Antiviral Spray to protect them. When you see one of your allies being strangled at the end of a licker’s tongue, approach the tongue and melee attack it to sever it.

You can pick up another vial of Antiviral Spray and a Green Herb from the stage if need be. Also be on the lookout for a piece of Intel by the corner of the stage before you drop down into the chaos below. Clear out the stage and the area at the base of the stage before sprinting forward. The door at the other end of the auditorium has been locked, and you will need a Black Key Card to get through it. Luckily enough, that Key Card is right in front of you, behind a barrier of stage equipment. You have merely to clear out the lickers between you and the key card. Don’t worry about killing too many of the enemies unless you are worried about gaining more experience at the end of the level; the lickers will spawn infinitely, and can quickly become overwhelming if you let them.

Simply sprint around the barrier ahead of you and grab the glowing Black Key Card from the ground. This will trigger a trap. An explosive will knock you back when you grab the card. Nicholai probably hoped that the blast would kill you, but it will merely have weakened you. Now the door on the other side of the area is open, but if you can manage it, don’t leave the area without collecting a few more things first. The outer walls of the area will contain ammo refill boxes and lockers, granting you essentially infinite ammo during this encounter. There is also a piece of Intel towards the center of the arena. Pick it up, along with the Green Herbs on the ground if you are low on health. Avoid the flames now consuming the auditorium, and sprint towards the back center door, which will now be open and marked with a waypoint.

Open up the door using the Black Key Card and sprint through. You will be met with a room full of zombies. Mow them down as they turn and charge you. Don’t worry about killing all of the enemies here, as they will spawn infinitely just like the lickers did in the last room. Ensure that your squad is safely through the door with you before abandoning the auditorium. Again, if you want more experience at the end of the level, you can circle strafe around this room and unload with your Light Machine Gun. The enemies will keep coming as long as you have health to spare. When you are done with this room, head up the stairs at the back of the area to emerge into a hallway.

More zombies will burst out from doors. Shoot them, or if you are weak, ignore them and run past, in to the center door. This will be the final room. Search the desk at the front of the room to find a hidden Typewriter. There are only three of these items in the entire game, and you have just found the first. After picking up the Typewriter, turn around and gather your squad at the door at the back of the room to end the level.