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Silent Hill Downpour Walkthrough Part 37: The Bogeyman

Keep following the drag marks (using the UV light) through the door, them go north through another door and jump over the counter. You should now be in the northwest chamber of St. Maria's Monastery first floor. There is a locked door to your right. Use the key you found with the x-ray machine to open this door.:

A bloody key found inside a cadaver

Exit to the courtyard. A Weeping Bat jumps you immediately. Either kill it, or run south to enter the monastery again through a second door. Be sure to close the door behind you. Near this door there is a shovel leaning against the wall, in case you need a fresh weapon. Go south through another door to the area of the locked gate through which you spoke to the boy about the rhyme. Cutscene begins.

You tell the kid that you have got the rhyme, and ask him if he will open the door once you say it. But the kid does not seem to hear you and keeps playing with his toy car. You see blood streaming on the ground. Suddenly you see the Bogeyman approaching the kid. You try to warn the kid and attempt to kick open the door. But you can't.

Silent Hill: Downpour Bogeyman kills the boy

You try to recite the Bogeyman poem from memory, but you struggle with the words. The Bogeyman picks the boy up, and snaps his neck. He then makes you a gesture to hush, and leaves. The gate opens. You enter and examine the boy, who is dead. You call him charlie and tell him that you are sorry. There is another cutscene. You arrive at a lake, with many policemen in the area, including divers who are searching the water. You call out for Charlie.

The officer in charge tells you to leave, assuring that they have got everything under control. You ask him where your son Charlie is. He asks you again to leave, telling you that you don't want to be here. He suggests you let one of his officers drive you back to the Command Center. Suddenly you see that the divers have found a boy's body. You scream for Charlie. Suddenly you wake up and you hear the scream of a girl. The little girl is here, she thinks you killed the boy. She asks you why you hurt him, he never did anything to you. You tell her it was not you but she does not believe it and starts running. You tell her to come back, it's not safe because the Bogeyman is still out there.

Cutscene ends. The surroundings start to transform, and you are now in the Otherworld again.