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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Walkthrough: Lights Out Part 9: Power Plant

After you exit the clock tower, your squad will spill out into the dark and dangerous streets of Raccoon City once again. Now that you have collected all three of the EMP charges, you will just have to fight through the streets to the Raccoon City Power Plant and battle through the reactors area to place the charges. Naturally, this will be easier said than done. This will be by far the most difficult of the battles you’ve faced thus far, and proper squad tactics are practically a must when playing in the multiplayer mode. You should make judicious use of cover during this next leg of the mission, and aim to stun or incinerate enemies before you emerge to fire upon them.

When you are ready, proceed down the street to come face to face with the first contingent of Spec Ops troops. You will find them huddle on a street corner, behind a group of abandoned cars. Hit the cluster of enemies grouped farthest in the corner with a Stun Grenade, and then advance out of cover. Another small group of Spec Ops soldiers will lie in wait to the right, just around the corner. If you are playing in multiplayer, feel free to split your squad up. One or two players can sprint quickly towards the group of stunned enemies in the corner and pick them off systematically with a Shotgun and close quarters attacks while the rest of the players cover them from behind the cars. When the stunned enemies are all dead or retreating, regroup your squad to a whole and push the Spec Ops soldiers back down the street. If you are playing by yourself, you will have to be a bit more careful. You should still aim to stun the enemies in the corner, but don’t be so brash about leaving cover to get to them afterwards. Pick them off with an automatic weapon from the cover of the cars, and then proceed forward with your AI squad-mates when you are ready.

If this battle drained too much of your ammo, remember that you can backpedal to the exit of the clock tower to refill on ammo at an ammo box. Otherwise, press forward down the street. You will come to a building called Raccoon Water Works. Enter the building and grab the First Aid Spray to the left. Head down the stairs to reach the generators. The water works doubles as the source of all of the power in Raccoon City. By hitting this area with the EMPs, you will be able to stop the flow of power from ever leaving the Power Plant. You will come to a pair of double doors when you reach the bottom of the stairs. The little room to the side contains some useful items, so don’t neglect to search the area before proceeding any further. You can grab a Precision Rifle or a Riot Gun from this room, although neither will be especially useful in the upcoming battle. It will be plausible for you to snipe a few enemies on the catwalks in the next room, but unless you have a human squad to cover your back on the ground it is not recommended. Whatever your choice of weapon, you can fill it up at an ammo locker in this room.

Equip yourself and head through the double doors. You will find yourself at another staircase. Head up the steps to the left to find another piece of Intel. Grab it. The staircase will have led to a large arena full of glowing machinery, the likes of which you must sabotage with the EMPs. Interacting with the machines marked by your waypoint will cause a huge wave of enemies to flood the room. Before you do this, you should search the area for collectibles. You can find two Security Cameras in this room, one in the upper right-hand corner by the large door and the other in the middle of the left-hand wall. Shoot them for a nice experience boost, and then seek out the Laptop on the desk to upload all of you Intel. Along the way, note the ammo stashes scattered about the ground. The enemy forces will be so thick here that you will undoubtedly need to restock once or twice.

When you are ready for the upcoming onslaught, activate the first console. This will raise up the first turbine that you need to sabotage. Right on cue, a wave of Spec Ops soldiers will breach the room and attack you. Take cover behind the consoles. Navigate from cover to cover, gradually moving up towards the back of the room. Here you will find the turbine. Have your squad move in a zigzag pattern up the cover points. Cover each other’s backs from the safety of cover while you move. As you near the turbine, a few zombies will join in on the party. Toss a grenade onto the turbine platform. A few soldiers will have gathered here to make a last ditch attempt at protecting the turbine. With them out of the way, sprint up to the turbine and hit A/X to plant the first EMP.

This will trigger a cutscene in which Nicholai will re-enter the scene. He will call to you from the catwalks above and pull out his Sniper Rifle once again. During this next challenging section, Nicholai will try to snipe you even as waves of Spec Ops soldiers and zombies swarm the lower area of the arena. If one of your squad-mates grabbed the Precision Rifle from the earlier room, now would be a good time to use it. Take aim at Nicholai even as he sets his sights on you and shoot him right in the head. This will cause him to retreat. There will be too many footsoldiers to make this feasible for just one person, though.

Enemies will pour in by the dozen from the door to the left of the first turbine. If you need one, note that a Green Herb lies in the lowered area, by where you shot the first Security Camera. Using your squad as one, blast through the assembling soldiers and sprint towards the next waypoint. Hit the console to raise the second turbine. This will trigger even more enemies to enter the room. Sprint around the room, down the lower path, to avoid the bulk of the enemy forces and reach the second turbine. You will have to wipe out another group of soldiers who will be guarding the objective as you approach it. Quickly place the second EMP onto the turbine, and turn around to find your third waypoint. At this point, there will likely be so many enemies of all kinds swarming the room that trying to defeat any of them would be a futile effort. Simply sprint as fast as you can towards the waypoint and activate the third console. You are almost home free. You now just have to sprint to the third turbine and set the EMP on it to trigger a cutscene that will end the mission. Getting to it with all of the assembled enemies can be harder than it sounds, though. It’s very likely that you will need to take the long way around the room in order to reach the turbine. As a last resort, you can have some of your human squad-mates rush the other side of the room as a distraction while you approach the turbine to set the EMP. Get it set properly and you will have beaten the mission.