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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 10 – Day 4, Part 1 – LOA Biolab, Abysmo Island

Ninja Gaiden Walkthrough Part 10 – Day 4, Part 1 – LOA Biolab, Abysmo Island

Once inside the Lab itself, start to the left. GO through the first set of double doors in front of Ryu then try to open the second to the right. As Ryu just begins to pry them open a square of Strong Terrorists come and attack Ryu. Start immediately by jumping and firing off a few Explosive Arrows. Just lay into the group. Try to save either the Ultimate Technique or the Ninpo in case there is a round 2 of Ghost Soldiers.

Once that room is dealt with the return to the door and force it open. Head across the bridge. Ryu will need to deal with an initial wave of 4 Jetpack Soldiers and a few Terrorists on the ground. After that, there is a larger wave that will come at you. This one will have Ghosts as well added in. The third wave has more Soldiers backed with a Rocket Launcher again. Once the battle finishes up, the bridge itself will collapse. Jump from it then use your Kunai to climb up to the top. There a Hawk awaits for Ryu. Save, heal then head through the door nearby.

Head straight through the next room. Go down the corridor between the labratories. As Ryu goes around the next corner, a squad of guards will come for him. Move into the next corridor and deal with the heavy guards there. Head down the first corridor to the right. Head into the blue floor room. Ryu is immediately assaulted by Homunculi. Let them mass together then lay into them to just slaughter them all.

The problem here is once all the Homunculi go down, two will get up and upgrade. One evolves into an Ourboros and the other Megaselion. Take out the Snake-like Ourboros first and the other is the strongest non-boss Ryu can face. After that, focus briefly on the Megaslion. The Megaslion is best handled with hit and run tactics. Ryu should dodge away the moment the creature's hands glow red. These enemies will just keep spawning for a good while. Once Lovelace mentions “playtime is over” the floor will drop out beneath you. The problem is things do not get any better after this. Ryu is now standing in a weak acid that is slowly sapping his health and he is once again surrounded by enemies.

The good news is eventually the enemies can all be killed. The bad news is the acid goes no where Head for the back-left pillar and climb up it. Wall Run twice, jumping at the end of the second, to grab the next wall Ryu needs to climb here to escape. This can take a few tries to land.

At the top grab onto the nearby rope and climb across. Be sure to use daggers to kill the two soldiers that appear to save yourself some trouble. At the end of the rope, jump then dash across the platform Ryu is on as it will quickly collapse on him. Swing off the two poles and onto the wall to climb it. Head through the pipe.

In the next room Ryu will face down another horde of Homuncoli. Defeat them all to have them transform into Ourboros. Climb up the narrow shaft in the back right using the Bird Flip then try to approach the opposite side of the room. A Megaslion will come crashing down in front of Ryu. Time for more fighting against it, its kin and a few more Ourboros. If you want to make this fight easier, then scale back up to the higher ground with the Bird Flip and start pelting everything down there with arrows. This requires some moving around but nothing too bad. If you have a hard time getting the right angle to shoot them, wall run over to the last part of this room. Once all of the chimera creatures are dead, head over to the door to find a Hawk waiting for Ryu. Use it to Heal, Save and then get out of that room through the nearby door.