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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 12 – Day 5, Hayabusa Village, Japan

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 12 – Day 5, Hayabusa Village, Japan

When Ryu lands, start moving forward through the battlefield. Here Ryu will collect a new Sword, the Blade of the Archfiend. Keep moving forward. On the other side of the battlefield Ryu muist face down a few squads of Spider Aya Ninja (and some War Dogs potentially). Keep attacking and freely use Ninpo and the Ultimate Technique.

Once the Ninja are defeated then head forward through the break in the rocks ahead. Head through the small cave and down the slope. As Ryu rounds the corner, then be ready for another Ninja attack. Deal with them then move on forward. As things open into a Canyon then get ready to use the Bow. Straight across from Ryu will be a pair of archers. Fire your bow at them, locking on twice to get them both. After that, moving forward. Another squad of ninja will attack as Ryu continues forward. There will be Archers occasionally on the opposite side so be ready for them. Any time you see Fire Arrows, jump and fire an explosive arrow back at them.

As Ryu approachs the start of the bridge then more Ninja will come for him. There are a good number of waves here. Defeat them all then start across the bridge. Mystic Ninja will appear to attack you. Grab onto the rope and get ready. Start crossing the rope, throwing daggers when needed to kill off the Ninja that appear to roast you or send you plummeting to your death.

Things do not improve as Ryu approaches the end of the bridge. Another Spider Ninja will appear and bomb it. Start climbing up, avoiding the burning parts. Part of the bridge will collapse as you climb up onto it. Grab hold again and start once again. This time the bridge is collapsing and burning. Be sure to throw a dagger at the ninja responsible for all this as you make your way up quickly.

Once at the top then go forward and to the left. Slide under the log then Bird Flip up the shaft. Head to the right through the narrow passage filled with plants. When it opens up a squad of Spider ninja will emerge and attack you. There can be dog and insect reinforcements.

After the fight, slowly approach the Falcon. One last ninja waits in hiding. After that, Save, Heal and move on.

Head forward through the grass back onto a dirt path. Just a short ways up that a boulder will be blasted loose. Slide underneath it. After the dodge, keep moving into another Ninja Ambush. They do not relent with plenty of support from above. Jump and deal with the bombers using your own explosive arrows. On top of that, use the Ultimate Technique or Ninpo when it is available here. There are plenty of enemy ninja that need to be dealt with.

Continue forward through the small ravine. When the path broadens again another ambush awaits you. Strong enemies this time around so no relaxing about it. Start building up your stronger attacks and make good use of Ninpo if you are getting low on health. At higfher difficulties, expect more fiends to be in this and future fights.

At the end of the fight here the curse will flare up again. Deal with the remaining Ninja. Remember you can find them by focusing. After that, head for the slope upwards and press on toward Momiji. Just keep moving forward until everything fades to black. There is another cinematic.