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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 13 – Day 5, Part 2 – Hayabusa Village, Japan

Ninja Gaiden Walkthrough Part 13 – Day 5, Part 2 – Hayabusa Village

Head on down the slope. You will get to walk around the village a bit. Your bow will be returned to you having been improved some more. Get a good shoot off on the target in front of you. Head to the left from the archery targets and continue onwards through the village. Head past the dojo to have some words with Genjiro.

After that Ryu will be on the outside of the village. Sanji will attempt to ambush Ryu. Hit the appropriate buttons and continue on through. Once Ryu has climbed the stairs he will find a Falcon to save at. After that, time to get back to the mission on hand.

Continue through the Graveyard to trigger another scene. Another friend will come visit Ryu. Keep with Momiji going forward. After a short while the pair will need to fend off a Spider Clan attack. Just keep going forward after that.

Hop up the rocks in the river and another ambush is waiting for the pair there. Keep fighting and press through it. Durign the fight the curse will flare up again. Thankfully Momiji will be able to get it under control with a few quick gestures.

Move forward up the stream. Another ambush is waiting as the path narrows. There are bombers above so be sure to jump and kill them quickly.

There is a large web blocking the way forward. Momiji will move forward and clear it away with a fire blast. Head into the cave behind it. Just inside is a Falcon for a save and heal. Press on after Momiji after saving. When the duo makes it to the courtyard another ambush is waiting there for them. More Ninja and Fiends. On the lower difficulties there is a chance that Ryu's arm will flare up while it will not at the higher ones.

Keep on fighting through all the set backs because of Ryu's arm. Keep going until a cinematic interrupts combat. Momiji blasts those nearby away as Obaba finishes something devilish. Time to fight a titanic being, Obaba

Mash the appropriate button to avoid getting crushed to death. Once that is managed, dash for the boil on her arm. It will stop glowing but ninja will come at Ryu. Time to engage in slaughter once again. Throughout the fight, keep an eye on the boil on her arm. As soon as it glows, dash over there and start attacking it.

After some hits land, she will respond. She will attempt to slam her hand on Ryu. Quickly pull out the bow and shoot the hand to stop this from happening. Keep focused on the boil more than the enemies.

After you get prompted to mash on the button once the batle will change a bit. Obaba will drop her arm and you must catch yourself with Kunai. Climb upwards, dodging tentacles attacking you along the way. Once you reach the boil, slash into it and mash as prompted. This will break off one arm. You will need to glide over to the next arm and with Momiji's help you will cut off the other as well.

With both arms gone the pair of Ninja Dragons will be on Obaba's shoulders. Things get a quick shift here as Obaba will start to use an energy blast attack. Momiji will back up Ryu as they fight the last of the ninjas on Obaba. When you hear Momiji tell Ryu to strike at the core, do it. After that follow the prompts to deal the final blows to Obaba. This will lead to another cinematic. After all of that the day will end.