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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 22 – Day 8, Part 3 – Tokyo, Japan

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 22 – Day 8, Part 3 – Tokyo, Japan

Just on the other side, after gliding in, you will run into another group of fiends that are lying in wait. They are backed up Megaslions. Focus on the Fiends first to build up both Ninpo and Ultimate Technique. Unleash them both freely in this fight to keep it as short as possible. It can take a moment but it is not a long fight with only 2 waves.

After that conflict, follow Theo forward and climb up the wall. Again, more Fiends and Megaslions are at the top of the building. After the second wave of them, follow Theo over to the opening the fencing and glide over to the next building.

Here, Theo will figure out what the barrier is and allow Ryu to get through. Move on forward to trigger a cinematic.

Theodore, Reagent of the Red Mask
Not much has changed. He only uses some of his grabs and attacks so nothing very long. Most of his chains stop at 4 now which is a great boon after having dealt with him using 6 hit combos. Still, retains all of his grabs so be very wary about being caught by those as they can result in massive damage.

At the end of the battle, Theodore will remove the curse that has plagued Ryu throughout the game. Walk on over to the edge of the building. Follow the prompts to get through the next action sequence and it is time it leads to the final boss fight: The Goddess

The Goddess
Head back toward the screen and keep some movement going. This thing opens with a barrage of energy blasts. Still, the Goddess has 2 attacks with circles: her projectiles (Purple) and her fist (orange). Keep this in mind throughout the fight.

Part 1
Once the initial barrage is over, she will summon fiends to attack you. With that comes your way to get over to her. Build up to Ninpo and unleash it. It will sweep up the Fiends and allow Ryu to strike at the Goddess's forehead again. This paves the way to a series of prompts and actions:

Strong Attack, Block, Quick Attack, Strong Attack, Strong Attack, Approach and slice at the Goddess's arm, Strong Attack,  Approach the Goddess's Head and Strong Attack, Strong Attack

Part 2
*Keep to the center of the arena for this round of combat!
Once again, the Goddess unleashes a barrage of projectiles at Ryu. Move away from her and watch out for the circles appearing underneath him. Also be wary of the Sword Slashes she uses. Those things are devestating and hard to avoid. Start the slide as soon as she starts to swing down to avoid the attack. She can do multiple swings in a row so keep on your toes. Once the Goddess starts slamming her arm into the ground, close in on it. The objective of this round is to slash at this arm. After enough damage has been done, she will destroy the left edge of the arena. Keep attacking her arm and she will also destroy the right edge of the arena as well. After that, Ryu needs to land one more series of hits on her arm. With that complete, the Goddess will rear back with the Dragon Sword and they will start their final clash:

Block, Strong Attack, Strong Attack

Remember what Marusmasa told Ryu about the Dragon Sword.

Congratulations on beating Ninja Gaiden 3!