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. Plays, 20th June 2015

Simon Miller, Head Of Video Production - Batman: Arkham Knight, PS4

Batman: Arkham Knight screenshot

I've spent the last two weeks playing and reviewing Batman: Arkham Knight, and if I could invent a time machine, go back 14 days and do it all again, I would.

There's no shame in admitting I'm a huge Batman fan to the point I once turned up to an 8am, day one showing of Batman Begins with a Dark Knight hat placed firmly on my head. Aside from the jibes given to me by the lady behind the ticket desk - 'So… you really like Batman, huh?' - it was a wonderful day.

With all that aside, though, Arkham Knight is a truly tremendous experience and one that anyone - even those not particularly high on the franchise - can enjoy. With its majestic combat and damned impressive open world, this deserves to be talked about as 'a classic', because that's exactly what it is.

The worst part of the whole experience is not being able to chat to anyone about what I've seen, what I know. The third in Rocksteady's trilogy is so packed with twists and turns that as soon as they happen you want to find a phone and start chatting about them, even if it's to your nan. She may not understand, but at least you can get it off your chest.

Apparently the last game the developer is dedicating to this version of the Caped Crusader, it's an incredible send off and proof that there's some serious talent at that studio.

Now, if you excuse me, I'm off to play it some more…

Tom Orry, Editor - LEGO Jurassic World, PS4

LEGO Jurassic World screenshot

I'm not finished with the game yet, but having played through over half the story missions I can say I'm not enjoying this nearly as much as LEGO Batman 3. I think this is partly due to certain parts of the films not being recreated and partly down to not much stuff going on. The first film in particular feels like a series of mundane puzzles and tiny fetch quests, and none of them so far have done justice to the source material - each weighing in at about three hours, if that.

Of course, this being a LEGO game there's an absolute ton of stuff to do outside of the story missions, including the islands from the first three films and the resort from Jurassic World to freely explore. Hopefully some fun activities await.

Brett Phipps - Guides Editor - Football Manager 2015, PC

football manager pc -

I made the mistake of starting a new career in Football Manager 2015, thinking "I'll just play it a little bit". I must have put about 45 hours into the game in the past fortnight alone.

I'm coming to the climax of Manchester United's second season, and after a disappointing sixth placed finish, I'm now comfortably in a Champions League spot. That may sound disappointing, to lack a title challenge, but considering I've lost two games all season and still remain nine points away from Man City, I can hold my head high.

Every time I try to stop playing, the next exciting part of the calendar comes up. This time, I'm due an overhaul of the team, so have to finish the season this weekend and build afresh. Let's hope the board gives me all the money.