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The Witcher 2 Walkthrough Part 59: Faith Symbolized

You will receive this quest from Zyvik during your conversation about the Battle of Brenna. He will tell you that Henselt has found a special medallion of some sort that he grabbed off of a priest during the battle. Your next step naturally should be to seek out Henselt and procure the medallion from him. The King will not be so forthcoming with access to the medallion, though. He won’t hand it over and will turn you away when you ask again. Instead of trying to get the amulet directly from Henselt, you will have to butter him up a little by speaking with Dethmold first.

Find Dethmold in his tent and ask him about Henselt and the medallion. He will tell you that the King will refuse to part with his medallion until after the curse is lifted from him. If you have been following the guide, this point is irrelevant, as you have already lifted the curse from Henselt. At this point, you can proceed with the rest of the quest. If you have yet to complete the Blood Curse quest, head out and do that now. You can find details on the quest covered in previous guides.

After completing the Blood Curse quest, return to the Faith Symbolized quest by seeking out Dethmold again. Talk with him to confirm that the King is ready to part with his medallion, and then head out to find Henselt. He will agree to give you the medallion, but will request a drink or two first. He will invite you into his tent to celebrate the removal of the curse. Accept his offer and head over to Henselt’s tent. If it is in the afternoon or early evening, you may not be able to enter the tent to proceed with the mission. You will have to wait until at least 23:00 to proceed. Meditate until then if you are way off in terms of timing.

When you enter the tent, Henselt will introduce you to a messenger from Redan, where Radovid is King. The messenger will bear news that Radovid has his eye on the Temerian throne thanks to his marriage to Foltest’s daughter, Adda. (Spoiler) Unfortunately, soon after revealing Radovid’s plan to you, the messenger will die. An assassin will emerge and swoop into the tent, slitting the messenger’s throat. He will then make straight for King Henselt. Geralt will step in, wary of attack after letting Foltest down, and cast Aard on the assassin before he can strike the final blow. This will send the assassin reeling outside of the tent. Geralt will give chase, leading into a battle against the assassin and the assassin’s partner, who will have appeared recently to join in on the attack. (End Spoiler.)

Boss Battle: Assassin Duo

The assassins can be a dangerous pair if you don’t use a specific strategy when killing them, but they can also be fairly easy to kill if you know the right way to do it. Immediately cast Quen when the battle begins, as your opponents are speedy and know how to hit you in all of your weak spots. You will want the armor up just in case one of them slips past your parries and attacks. If you are hit by the assassins, they will work together to catch you in a damaging combo. This attack can be devastating, wiping out up to half of your health in one go. Be sure to roll out of the way when you see the combo beginning, then, because you really don’t want to get hit by it.

While dodging the assassins’ attacks, you will want to lay a few traps of your own. Use Yrden or some traps from your inventory to litter the battlefield with damaging obstacles and lure the assassins into tripping them. This will remove their advantage of speed temporarily, allowing you to get up close and whittle down their weak armor with heavy attacks. Roll away when the assassins begin to recover from the traps, or when the second assassin comes to help his trapped counterpart.

You won’t have to kill the assassin, but rather you will simply have to lower their health enough that a cutscene will trigger. This will mark the end of the battle, for now.


(Spoiler) Sile will step in and join you in your fight. She will begin firing lightning bolts onto the battlefield, forcing one of the assassins, Auckes, to retreat, while Geralt kills the other one. (End Spoiler.) King Henselt will emerge from his tent, rattled. He will not be pleased that the second assassin escaped, and he will refuse to hand over his amulet until you find Auckes and kill him. Meanwhile, Dethmold will cast a necromancy spell on the dead assassin and use it to obtain some information to give you a lead. Sile will object to Dethmold’s usage of such a dark and forbidden art, but Dethmold will waive the complaint away, saying it was necessary.

In order to continue this mission, you will need to meet Dethmold in his tent. This will bring up the continuation of the quest The Assassins of Kings from Act 1, where the story will continue. The Faith Symbolized quest will technically not end until after you have killed the other assassin. Once you have done so, you may return to Dethmold to complete the quest and collect 1,500 experience points.