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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 26 – Nature of the Beast, Part 3

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 25 – Nature of the Beast, Part 3

Ruins, Upper Level
Immediately turn to the North and investigate the Brick Archway above you. It will reveal a hidden passage. From inside will flow 4 skeletons that you need to kill. This will also, later, open the hidden door to the south. Explore that chamber in particular to find a love letter and some loot.
Head to the East and to the center of the chamber in front of you. There you will be attacked by a pair of werewolves. Defeat them then turn the North. Go down the stairs and attempt to open the door there. The werewolves will have barred the door. Return up the stairs.

Head to the Southern wall and look for the archway. Investigate it to find a secret door. Behind it you will find some corpses to loot. After that, go to the West. Investigate the first set of stairwells to find some treasure at the end of the Northern one. Continue to the West after that. You will be attacked by 7 spiders.

After the spiders are dead, there are a few rooms to investigate. Head into the room to the West. There you will find a few skeletons to loot. Turn into the Northern room after that. In there you will find even more to loot. Finally, head down the Southern passage. Follow it along as you hear loud rumbling.

This chamber is littered with leghold traps so move forward carefully. You will be attacked by a smaller Dragon. Explore the room around it to find a lot goods. The Dragon's Horde in particular has some gifts and a number of useful items. It also net you the “Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead, The Guide” codex entry if you claim the bow inside it. Continue on forward to find the stairs to the lower ruins.

Lower Ruins
Head South directly. When you reach the hallway, following the apparition in front of you, you will be attacked by 2 skeletons. They are quickly followed by 5 more of their ilk. Each the Eastern room for a chest and a pile of bones you can loot. The Western room also has a pile of bones worth looting as well. After that, head on to the South.

When you reach the next intersection of hallways, 4 spiders will attack the party. Afterward, head East toward the next chamber. In the center is a Ghostly Boy. Talk with him but after, it seems to have gotten something's attention. There are 6 skeletons that attack the party after your ghostly encounter. When the dust settles, head up into the Northern room. There you can find a corpse and locked chest to loot. In the Southern room you find a Saccophagus with a Fancy Scroll and a Tablet. The tablet gives the quest, “The Elven Ritual”. With those items in head, head to the East through the door.

You reach a T-intersection in the building. Head to the North first to deal with the quests you have gained. Go to the fountain in the northern part of the room and examine it.

The Elven Ritual
Take out the earthen jug and fill it. Now leave the pool and head to the West. There you will find an Altar. Place the jug on it, kneel and pray, take a sip of water from the jug. Now take it back to the pool and pour the remaining water back into the fountain. Done properly the jug will shatter, opening the doors to the north of you. Through there you will find a number of skeleton archers. Defeat them then climb the stairs up to the platform with the spirit on it. Talk with her and Greater Shades will appear to aid her in fighting the party. Defeat all of them, loot the burial chamber in front of you, then explore the room to collect treasure from the saccophagi scattered around the room.

Time to head to the South now.