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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 9: My Lunch with Shulk

Things get much more interesting when Fiona reaches the park to bring Shulk his food.  The two have a long sit and talk- at first about the Monado and Bionis, the colossal creature on whose corpse the Homs- local speak for humans- and other non-mechanical races live.  Shulk goes into more detail about how Dunban lost the use of his right arm and much of his other capability with it, and wonders why the Monado might have done such to him.

Fiona, attempting to turn the conversation, asks him how the food is, and teases him a bit about how he always says her cooking is good.  Shulk has to go to a bit of trouble to explain to her that he really means it- not that her food is okay, but that it’s particularly good and he isn’t just brushing it off somehow.  After a few moments, Shulk goes back to eating for a while.

Presently Fiona teases Shulk again- this time about how loud Reyn is and she hopes for more quiet days.  Shulk is about to respond when a siren sounds- the debris alert.  This siren marks times when chunks of debris- though what from is not quite clear- fall from the sky above.  The Anti-Air turrets blast the debris and thereby protect Colony 9, but Shulk and Fiona still feel the need to return to the Colony for safety’s sake.

That said, you are again given free reign to wander where you will.  You also have Affinity Cry enabled for you, and Heart-to-Hearts as well.

This is particularly fortunate since there is a Heart-to-Heart for Fiona and Shulk available in the park immediately, marked by the pair of clasped hands that will float over a spot by the fence in front of the park’s bench.

Heart-to-Heart- Sunrise in the Park (Shulk and Fiona)
    This Heart-to-Heart begins with Shulk and Fiona enjoying the park and its view of the sunrise.  Fiona reminds Shulk about a past time when the two of them watched the sunrise together from Outlook Park when both were much younger.  She then asks Shulk if he recalls why they were there.  You are offered the choice between ‘I invited you’, and ‘You & Dunban fought’- the latter is the correct answer.  On choosing this, Fiona agrees and asks Shulk if he remembers what she said- your choices are ‘kind of’ and ‘you wanted to go fishing’- in this case, you will want to choose the former option.  As it turns out, Fiona is worried- though she doesn’t say anything aloud- that she might have declared an intent to marry Shulk at that time.  Choosing the right answers relieves her of her embarrassment over having possibly once spilled the beans- though her thoughts, to which Shulk isn’t privy, imply that she does like him in that sort of a way.

After this, you will find two more Heart-to-Hearts in Colony 9, but neither of them is accessible right now- don’t worry about them too much.

As you are now free to roam until you choose to return to Shulk’s workshop, you can use this opportunity to get used to using or fighting alongside Fiona.  I would like to advise against going up against tougher fights like Verdant Bluchel or even just a group of Piranhax or Flamii, though- having two melee damage engines and no tank is a good way to wind up losing a fight because you simply can’t soak any damage at all.

Once you’re done wandering around doing whatever, it’s time to head back to Shulk’s workshop again.