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Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 7 – Operation Clean Sweep, Operation Keyhole

Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 7 – Operation Clean Sweep, Operation Keyhole

Cargo Delivery 12-B
Head for the Blacknet terminal at 311, 1293 to begin this Operation. The first part requires a one Cpl Stanley “Blackjack” Carter. Time to hunt him on down. He patrols around 313, 1158.

This is a relatively quick op compared to recent ones. Quickly head for the marker at 214, 1031. From there, it is a simple matter of dashing and collecting the Patrol schedules that have been spared form the crash. Head immediately to the right and down onto the rooftop below to collect the first. Head South next to the second one at 218, 1110. The third is to the Southeast at 246, 1147. Make a few glides to arrive there quickly. Turn to the South after that to arrive at 244, 1191, the site of the next container. Just continue straight on South form there to easily reach another container. Close in on the next set of containers at 234, 1257. Head Southeast from the top of the building over to the next marked one. Collect the trio then head to the Southwest for the next set. Quick head over to the Southeast after that one to close on the next set of boxes. After that, continue on to the East to find more. Keep this up for the next few sets.

While it means a lot of running, jumping and gliding, this is a fairly straight forward operation to sabotage.

Operation Keyhole
Head to the Blacknet Terminal at 874, 1409 to start the hunt for Dr. Marcella Walsh. They can be found around 831, 1463. This clears the way for the first part of the Operation.

Cargo Delivery 15-G
With the consumption complete, head for 756, 1404. Once there, the Helicopter seems to go out of control. Start running for 760, 1387 to start on the trail of containers to pick up. Just keep to the North for the first stretch of it. When you get around 689, 1254, you will need to turn to the East to start into the next leg of this collection. Just be careful as you turn to the South for this as you will pass through a base that will start gunning at you intensely. Be sure to explore the roof to the Southeast to find a Blackbox.

Stronghold 7-H
Head back to the Blacknet Terminal and get your next target. This one is Sgt Emery Mcdonald. He patrols around 929, 1338. A quick trip inside his memories reveals the location of the next Stronghold for Heller to bust up. Head up to 910, 1267. Inside the base, drop down and stealth consume one of the soldiers nearby the commander to get the Commander himself easily.

Once inside it is time to destroy the motor pool here. The bonus si awarded if you take a Tank and destroy at least 1 other with it. First though, there are some nice people to consume around the tanks. On the other side of the first tank is someone worth a lot of EP. Opposite him is one who will improve Heller's Rifle skill. After that, go to town with at least 1 tank to destroy the others. Hijack, weaponize and destroy. As soon as one of them is down though they will send in Phase 1 soldiers to back up their forces. Just keep fighting and consume a Phase 1 if you get critical on health. Otherwise, have a lot of fun.

When it is all done, head out the door with by shapeshifting. Once outside, just start running. Get beyond the walls of the base and the Operation is completed.