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Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 9 – The Airbridge, Enemies and Allies, A Stranger Among Us

Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 9 – The Airbridge, Enemies and Allies, A Stranger Among Us

The Airbridge
Head for the marker to contact Father Guerra at 281, 1080. He tells you about the Airbridge, a Helicopter that goes between the Yellow and the Green zone. Time to find a Commander and consume them to get over there.

Head North to 244, 955 to locate the Commander. Quickly consume him from the other end of the facility. Quick climb over there and use the Airbridge to get over to the Green Zone. Once you land, time to clear out and get gone. Once there, head for 702, 1490. When you get there, it is time to get up to date on things in regards to Mercer and your own mission.

Enemies and Allies
Head on over to 661, 1425 for the briefing. There you will be in charge of vehicle, thus unlocking the potential for Heller to Hijack more vehicles in the future. Move to the marked area. You can either gun them down with the APC or better, and for the bonus, run them all over. There are 60 so it could take a moment. After the first round, head over to the second Rendezvous point at 793, 1297. Time for more Infected to be dealt with.

This second point has a few waves to it. The first is a trio of Brawlers with light reinforcements in the form of Infected. After those are down, then they will send in 3 Juggerants for you to deal with. After the Juggerants have been dealt with, head to the North to the next point.

This set has you deal with another set of 3 Brawlers coming at you. Be sure to keep moving around to run over as many infected as possible. Keep focused on the Brawlers and avoiding dying. Once you take out the Brawlers, turn to the North and press on to reach the next location. Time to face down an Infected Nest.

Head over to the next marker to the East. Time to face a pair of Hydras. These are trickier if only because they will move quickly, hide underground and through hunks of cement at you as well.

A Stranger Among Us
Head over to 814, 1476 to begin this mission for Galloway. She asks him to track down and kill another of the “Evolved”. Head to the Rally Point at 891, 1301. When you get there, it is time to choose a target and consume them, without raising an alarm. Shapeshift into your other form and drop down. If it is military, it will make things very easy. Once you consume one, then the scene moves forward to the next part. You automatically board the helicopter and it is off to the rescue site.

Once there, you need to shoot for the change. Be sure to check your fire as you will draw attention to yourself for shooting soldiers or civilians. A good dozen infected are at the first point to be shot. Deal with them then continue on with the commander.

Follow him to the next stop. There you will be asked to grab the nearby grenade launcher. You will receive the ability to get a bonus from this one. It is a little tricky as you need to get 3 Infected in a single blast. After blasting away a Brawler and a wave of Infected, the Group moves on.

You are asked to grab a nearby Rocket Launcher now. Again, time to deal with more of the Strong Infected. This time, it is a Hydra to be followed by 3 Brawlers and quite a few Infected. Blast away and send them to Kingdom Come.

The next point does not make things much easier. You have plenty of guns and ammo, but this time there are 2 Hydras and 3 Brawlers. After that fight, it is time to meet Roland.

Get into the mass of them and use a Devastator or just grab one of the nearby rocket launchers to blast into the thick of them.