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Silent Hill Downpour Walkthrough Part 52: Final Boss Battle

After trapping the Juggernauts in the prison courtyard, go down to the court and climb down a ladder,  then through an open gate and towards the big door. Turn the crank to the left of the door to open it, use your controller to rotate the crank. Slide through the opening, and across the hall and through the door at the end. Run through the next corridor, then through a hole in the wall. Enter a room with an open door and some stairs going up. As you approach the door, it shuts. Environment shifts, and the otherworld void forms. Run up the stairs

IMPORTANT: Stay as far as you can from the prison cells. Juggernauts will grab and pin you to the bars if you get too close, and if you fail at breaking free you die.

Silent Hill: Downpour Otherworld Prison Juggernaut Pin

Run towards the end of the corridor, turn right and around, climb the stairs, turn right and run across the corridor, climb another flight of stairs, and run carefully through the guillotine doors. Reach a lift at the end, and you descend down. Pick up the shotgun from the weapons rack and the first aid kit from the shelf. Enter the room with the giant scales. This is a PUZZLE

Giant Justice Scales Puzzle Solution
Open inventory, and place the stuff you collected from the showers on the left scale. This includes the crime scene evidence, mourning badge, and prison shank.

The scale tilts to the left, and the door opens. Go through. This is the FINAL BOSS ENCOUNTER.

Defeating the Boss in the wheelchair is not easy. Notice all the medical equipment, life support monitors, and respiratory bellows. There are four of those bellows. However if you try to disconnect them, he slams you with his arm, preventing you from cutting the tubes loose. There are more screamers, brawlers, stabbers, juggernauts and traps on the outer perimeter of this area that join the battle when you run through.


Note the Spotlights. Climb on one of the Respirator Bellows and aim the beam of light at the Boss, thus distracting him.

Silent Hill: Downpour Final Boss Battle Guide

Quickly get back down and while the Boss is preoccupied with the light, approach the red tube and follow the on screen prompts to pull it and disconnect the life support.

Silent Hill: Downpour Last Boss Strategy Guide

If you don't act quickly, the spotlights burn out and the Boss is no longer distracted, so act fast.

Repeat this process for all the other red pipes. Use the walkways, bridge and outside perimeter to navigate around the chamber. Grab any supplies such as shotgun cells and first aid kits along the way. You will be losing lots of health during this combat, and you want to have as many healthpacks as you can get. Deal with any summons and adds as you encounter them. At some point the Boss will also start using lightning attacks against you, be on the move constantly so that you can avoid these attacks. Once you have cut all life support to the Boss, he collapses. Congratulations on beating the final boss.

After defeating the final boss, a cutscene triggers. Anne Cunningham shows up. She accuses you of killing a good man. You tell her that you killed a monster, but looking at the body you see it has transformed to the body of Frank Coleridge. Follow the story as it reveals the events that led to Anne Cunningham hating you. She perceives you as a monster, the Bogeyman, for killing her father.


Murphy transforms into the Bogeyman towards the end of the cutscene, and as Anne shoots you, you regain control of your character. You are now the Bogeyman, and you are equipped with the Bogeyman's giant hammer as your weapon. As the Bogeyman you move slow, and your hammer attacks are powerful, but very slow as well. Cunningham moves quickly, and shoots fast bursts at you with her pistol. As she backs away from you, she uses the control panels on the sides to release Juggernauts at you from their cells. Try to send a shockwave at her to intercept her and prevent her from freeing the Juggernauts. Kill any Juggernauts that do break free. Keep closing in on Cunningham. Strike her and knock her down to the ground. You now have the option to spare or kill her. The choice you make will affect what ending you get.

Silent Hill: Downpour Final Choice

This concludes the walkthrough, but read the Silent Hill: Downpour Endings List to find out about all possible endings, the endings explained, and how to get them.

Thanks for reading and I hope this walkthrough helped!