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Guild Wars 2 Character Creation Guide: Backgrounds - Charr, Human, Norn

Guild Wars 2 Races Background Story Choices


I'm proud to be ______

Blood Legion: I'm Blood Legion. I charge straight into battle. The Blood Legion pushes to the front line in any combat. We're powerful and bold, and none can match our prowess on the field.

An Ash Legion Soldier: I'm Ash Legion. I use cunning to overcome my enemies. The Ash Legion teaches stealth and subterfuge. We end battles before they begin with infiltration, information gathering, and precision strikes.

An Iron Legion Soldier: I'm Iron Legion. I march to the boom of war machines. The Iron Legion has ignited our industrial revolution. We perfected metalwork, cannons, and most importantly - guns.

I would die for my warband, especially ______ my sparring partner

Maverick: Maveric is the best single-combat fighter I've ever met. Unfortunately, he has a wild streak and an ego the size of the Black Citadel. He may be a loose cannon, but he knows how to make things epic!

Euryale: Euryale, our elementalist, is the most loyal soldier in the warband. She's also stubborn, bad-tempered and protective - but at least she is honest. She stands by me and I trust her with my life.

Clawspur: Clawspur lets his blades do the talking, He's extremely calm and quiet, even for a thief. While others are making threats, Clawspur is silently positioning himself to make a quick kill. Good thing he's on my side.

Dinky: Dinky was the smallest cub in our Fahrar, so he had to be twice as tough just to break even. He gets picked on because he's a guardian and not so smart, but I stand by him. He's always been a good friend.

Reeva: Reeva fights hard and plays hard. Nothing gets her down. She always jokes that her best weapons are her engineering tools and a sharp sense of humor. To Reeva, life isn't worth much if it isn't fun.

They tell me the soldier that sired me is a ________-

Loyal Soldier: I've heard my sire's name spoken with reverence ever since I was a cub in the fahrar. I plan to live up to his reputation, or exceed it.

Sorcerous Shaman: Flame Legion shamans once enslaved us. Because of this, my father, who is a shaman, is treated with suspicion and mistrust. I must overcome his reputation.

Honorless Gladium: A gladium has no warband. My father turned his back on his. Now, he's an honorless gladium with no respect for the chain of command, and I have non respect for him.


I was raised __________

In the streets - Street Rat: I grew up poor, on the streets, living hand to mouth. Every day was a challenge, but like I tell my old buddy Quinn, "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger." I've worked hard to change my luck, but I've still got a long way to go.

By common folk - Commoner: I was raised among the common folk of Divinity's Reach. We're the working class, the cogs that keep the city running. I help out at a tavern owned by my friends, Andrew and his daughter Petra.

Among the Nobility: I grew up among nobles, including my friend Lord Faren, who can trace their ancestry back to ancient kings. I received an excellent education, am well versed in courtly graces, and understand the responsibility that comes with privilege.

One of my biggest regrets is that __________-

I've never searched for my true parents - Unknown Parents: When I was an infant, I was abandoned at an orphanage. A kind couple adopted me and became my family. However, I've always wondered about my real parents.

I never recovered my sister's body - Dead Sister: My sister was a Seraph. Centaurs killed her while she was out on patrol They never recovered her body, and it has always bothered me.

I passed up an opportunity to perform in the circus - Missed Opportunity: When I was young, I had the opportunity to perform in the circus, but I turned it down. To this day, I'm sorry I didn't leap at the chance.

Everyone said I was blessed by ________ when I was young.

Dwayna: The goddess of healing, air and life, is the even tempered leader of the old gods. She is often depicted as young, tall and slender, rising into the air on immense feathery wings.

Grenth: Grenth is the god of darkness,ice and death. His acolytes know that the veil between worlds is thin. Death does not frighten me. Even the darkest nights give me comfort because Grenth watches over me.

Balthazar: The god of war, fire and challenge. Oversees the battle arena. He gifts those who have a knack for combat strategy and skill with weapons. I have trained hard to honor Balthazar.

Melandru: The goddess of nature, earth, and growth. Can be found in every harvest and every flower. She smiles upon those, like me, who have an affinity with animals. I am a follower for Melandru.

Lyssa: Lyssa wears many masks. She is the dual faced goddess of beauty, water and illusion. She is the patron of the most attractive and graceful among us. Her blessings have touched me all my life.

Kormir: Kormir is the goddess of order, spirit, and truth. She was once mortal like me. She inspires me every day to find greater courage and to seek rightness of heart, mind and action.


The most important quality of a great hero is ________

Strength: A Norn who seeks to become a legend must have great physical prowess. Strength is the key to victory.

Cunning: It takes guile to outwit an enemy with legendary style. Mental prowess keeps a hunter one step ahead at all times.

Instinct: A true hero listens to the inner wisdom inspired by the Spirits of the Wild. Instinct, such as animals rely upon, guides a hunter to triump and glory.

At a recent celebratory moot held in Hoelbrak, I _____

Blacked out: Ale! Rowdy brawling! It's far too easy to let loose in the thrill of the moment. After I woke up, I couldn't remember what I'd done. I'm sure it was nothing too terrible.

Got in a fight - Revenge: I've had a rival ever since I was young. He's intelligent, treacherous, and cunning. I lost our last fight, but next time we meet, I'll even the score.

Lost an Heirloom - I inherited Romke's Horn, a magical ancestral heirloom passed down through generations. After one too many drinks, however, I wagered it on a contest of strength - and lost.

When I was still a kid, I had a vision. A spirit of the wild spoke to me and offered its guardianship. That spirit was ________

Bear: Bear is the most powerful among the spirits of the wild. She is a symbol of fortitude and self-reliance. She roared over me when I was a babe, and ever since, I've had Bear's courage in my heart.

Snow Leopard: Snow Leopard is a stealthy, smiling spirit. She teaches us independence, strategy and laughter in the face of danger. To this day, her wisdom guides me, and my memory of her visit comforts me on dark nights

Wolf: Wolf has the cunning of the pack behind him. He imparts the virtues of loyalty, ferocity, and strength in the numbers. When he came to me, he whispered of my heroic future and told me I would never be alone.

Raven: Raven, clever and wise, guides us with truths that others fear. He bestows a far-seeing clarity of mind. In my vision, he spoke of riddles and opened my eyes to secrets that few others can see.