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Protoptye 2 Walkthrough Part 19 – Operation: Spotted Cat

Protoptye 2 Walkthrough Part 19 – Operation: Spotted Cat

Operation: Spotted Cat

Gentek Support 14-A
Dr. Rajiv Kureshi. He is located around 540, 547

Once you have the good Doctor consumed, it is time to set the Operation in motion. Head over to 658, 663. There you will find the Blackwater Patrol that checks in on the sites around the area. When you arrive, it is clear that you need to slip in and stealth consume one of the members without triggering an alarm. Once you join the patrol you need to stay undercover. This means no powers for a little while. Still, you get guns and lots of them. The first encounter on the patrol route involves 2 Brawlers and 3 Fliers from above.

The ground breaks to the South and heads for another intersection. Here, you encounter a lot of Infected, with a few Fliers above. You are also offered the chance at a Bonus: kill 5 Infected without taking damage. With they gun you have, it is easy enough if you keep moving and firing at targets very quickly. Once the bonus is complete, then you can get more reckless. Until that point you will want to just keep moving. With that finished off, head toward the final check point.

Once you arrive at this point, while you can reveal yourself, it is better to take a moment and use some stealth. The Blackwater Soldier ahead with the marker above his head is key to the next segment of this operation. Stealth consume him and the one next to him. After that, set into the scientists and everyone else as you would like.

Stronghold 9-B
St. Raoul Whitehead. He is located around 584,741

Once you trigger this section of the mission, head down to 485, 847. The base there is where you need to break into. Once you get close, a cutscene runs. You are given a bonus to destroy one of the gun turrets by throwing a car at it. Destroy them both to create a solid distract to get inside. Once there, all you need to do is be sure to be in a Blackwater disguise. Walk over to the Hand Scanner and go inside.

Once inside the facility, head to the next hand scanner so you can get at the next target. In the second room head for the marked back portion. Approach it and take a swipe at the guard in front of it. An Evolved reveals itself to you. Time to take them down while disposing of the Whitelight. Try to take out the barrels quickly or else everyone inside will becoming Infected. A few will turn into Evolved, giving you a rougher time. Once they are all taken down then it is time to head on outside and slip or break out of the base. Break out of there and this part of the Operation is completed.

Suppression 12-F
Lt. Sanjay Mcelroy. He is located around 584,389.

Head for the group around 738, 602: Base India Six Niner. Chase it on down and it is time for some outright slaughter. This fight can be complicated by the bonus, to take out all the vehicles by using Pack Leader. With an upgrade or two this will be simple as a full Brawler pack can just tear through tanks. After that, just keep destroying the vehicles. The good news is there is plenty of Infected and Soldiers around to keep your mass bar up. Just break away from the fight when you need to and consume them until it is full. Just beat them down after that to finish out the Operation.