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Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 22 – Operation Firehawk, A Labor Of Love, Murder Your Maker

Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 22 – Operation Firehawk, A Labor Of Love, Murder Your Maker

Operation Firehawk
Things are getting close to the end here, only a few more missions to go. Head over to the Galloway contact point at 561, 751. The nature of the project is revealed, that you are saving the city from getting burned to cinders. You are also given the bonus of Hijacking a Thermobaric Helicopter. Head on over to the Southern-most point of the Red Zone that is marked. Time for just wide spread destruction on a whole new scale.

When you take to the air and have destroyed the helicopters on the dock, Dana calls, telling you that more Firehawk Helicopters have been deployed. There are 5 spread throughout the Downtown and Chinatown. They hang low, closer to the ground to make them harder to target from the air.

They are mobile so just follow them using the map and your sight. After you destroy the second of the helicopters the thermite bunker is pointed out to you. Make a quick side trip to blast it to oblivion. Destroy the rest of them. You finish making a stop to talk with Galloway.

A Labor of Love
Rooks plays Heller's weakness, his Daughter Amaya. Head for the marked base at 737, 213. When you arrive it is a warzone and it is only going to get worse (or better!). Grab a tank and clear out the others around it. Once they are down, equip the Hammerfist and smash your way inside the facility.

Keep swinging at the door until the Juggernaut appears. When it does, a scene runs where Heller consumes an Alpha Juggernaut and summons a pair to base away at the barricade. Defend them until they are destroyed or they take out the door. If the pair goes down before the door then seek out one of the marked Alpha Juggernaut to gain a second pair to sic on the door. Keep things up until the Juggernauts break through. Head inside for a cutscene. Time to finish things once and for all with Alex Mercer.

Murder Your Maker
Things have come full circle. Time for Heller to face Alex Mercer, the original Prototype. Head to the marked Rooftop to start the battle itself. It would appear there are a lot of Evolved and Mercer. Mercer turns and consumes all the gathered Evolved around him. Once the cutscene is over, the final fight begins.

Handy little note: If you die during any phase of the fight, you reset to the beginning of the present phase

Phase 1 – Blade
Mercer starts out attacking Heller using the Blade. Whatever you do, skip on using the Blade for this part of the fight as Mercer will launch a powerful retaliation. You can dodge and parry your way through this with any other weapon. Just keep your combos quick and short. Mercer is a lithe foe and the most powerful Evolved to date. When he leaps with his blade at you, dodge. Most of his combos can be parried by shielding when prompted to dodge. This fight continues until you drain his life bar. When it is empty, he will start repeatedly leaping at you. Dodge then close in and hit the prompted button to move the fight to the next phase.

Phase 2 – Whipfist
As much as it was about dodging in the first phase, this one is all about getting the parry at the right time. Remember, do not attack him with the Whipfist yourself. He will simply grab it and inflict a lot of damage. Dodging is not viable in this fight as so many attacks are sweeping and vertical follows horizontal frequently. He still will launch periodic ground spikes at you which must be dodged manually now.

Phase 3 – Hammerfist
When this part of the fight starts, unleash the Devastator as Mercer sends a flock of Fliers at you. His attacks are almost impossible to block now so focus on dodging instead. The hammerfist are heavy weapons that do a good bit of damage. Remember this while you are fighting Mercer. Be careful as he will immediately counter any grabs, including those from the Whipfist. If you jump a lot there is a chance he will quickly summon the Whipfist and slam you into the ground. Be aware as well that Mercer will now launch 3 lines of spikes when he uses that power.

Follow the prompts on the screen to land the finishing blows on Alex Mercer and complete the game.