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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 26: When We Were Together

The game fades back in with a view of Shulk, lurking in the Outlook Park and looking over Colony 9.  For a brief time, the player is treated to a sepia toned flashback of Shulk and Fiora’s lunch together there- think old-time reel-to-reel films.  After a bit, though, the view returns to the present- and to Reyn’s arrival at the park.  He has come to see Shulk, and asks the weaponsmith if he’s seen Dunban.  Shulk replies that he has, and Reyn admits that he wasn’t able to- and further calls Shulk brave for toing to talk to the man about his sister.

Shulk refutes the compliment, though, explaining that Dunban consoled him, not the other way around.  Reyn seems a bit stunned at this, and we are treated to a more naturally-colored flashback to the discussion between the two.

In the flashback, Shulk enters Dunban’s house, offering the older man his concern.  Dunban replies that he will not cry, and refers to the battle a year ago in Sword Valley.  He recalls that while he was being carried back to Colony 9 on a stretcher, he was thinking only of his dead friends- but he refused to cry.  He explains that everyone who died there had something they wanted to protect, and the important part is that they succeeded in protecting it.  The older warrior goes on to point out that Fiora’s goal was to protect Shulk- and she succeeded as well.  He tells the younger man to treasure the life- his life- that Fiora saved.  Shulk admits to the Monado’s former wielder that he doesn’t understand, but hopes that he will grow to understand at some time in the future.

The flashback ends, returning to an astonished Reyn, who calls Dunban ‘one of a kind’.  Shulk agrees and then declares his intent- to pursue and destroy the metal-faced Mechon and indeed, all other Mechon as well.  Laughing at this, Reyn says this is ‘weird’, because he wouldn’t have expected Shulk to say something like that... first.  Questioned by Shulk, the larger man admits he was expecting the blond to go the other way on this topic.

Shulk explains that he feels a conflict- on the one hand, he wants to do as Dunban suggested and live his live for Fiona- but at the same time, a growing part of him is crying out for some form of vengeance.  Reyn considers this a very Reyn sort of a thing to do, and Shulk agrees that it is much more like the large redhead to feel that way.

Agreed, the two decide to leave together on this makeshift quest.

As Reyn and Shulk leave Colony 9, Dunban watches from his window and promises that he too will head out after the Mechon once he has finished healing- meanwhile Dickson watches from beside Dunban’s house, silently.