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Tera Walkthrough: The Prologue Ends

After completing "Reach the Beach", Ahdun gives you your next quest:

[Lvl20]The Prologue Ends

Go into the cave and find Elleon
The troops on the beach are safe - for now.

Your first task is to find the cave entrance and go inside. Start going on the trail behind Ahdun. You can press NUMLOCK to run automatically. As you approach the cave entrance, this task completes,  and your new task is to keep ascending through the beach cave.  You'll enter combat soon. Read about the skills in your toolbar to learn what they do. You can press ALT to go into UI mode and examine your skills. For example, a sorcerer could have skills such as Ice Needle in the first slot, Magma Bomb III in the second, Flame Pillar IV in the third, Glacial Retreat I in the fourth slot, Mana Infusion, Fireball IV, Backstep, Retaliate.

Read each of the skill's descriptions. Also note what button they are assigned to, for example the numbers 1-5, left click or right click. Cross through a bridge and up some stone stairs, pressing SPACE to jump. Keep following the beach cave. Jump up some more stairs, and reach a portal. It will ask you: "Teleport to Island of Dawn Clifftops. Are you ready to go?" Choose Yes.

The bridge has collapsed. You'll have to swim. Jump down into the water and swim to the other side. Then, climb up the ladders to reach the cliff tops. Press F to climb. You reach a platform, look for a second ladder and climb it too. Prepare for combat when  you are done climbing. Kill hostile forces and find Elleon. There will be scores of Demonic Zombies along the way. Follow the on screen tips to help you kill them. Attack them with the skills you have got. These are easy battles, so it is a good opportunity to practice. Use your Expedition Healing Potion if your health (red bar) gets too low.

Fight through an area with soldiers and monsters, then a new area unlocks. Elleon, the Expedition commander is in trouble!

Help Elleon win this fight and then join him. After you kill all the enemies, talk to Elleon. Elleon tells you that your trainers back in Velika spoke highly of you. The cliff tops are crawling with demons, and we've already taken casualties. We could retreat, but that would just lure the demons down onto the beach, and they'd slaughter us. Instead, we advance. If we can win a battle or two up here, we can fool the demons into thinking we're a fighting force to be reckoned with. They can't press an advantage that they don't know they have.

Advance with Elleon and his allies. There is a bridge to the north, but the bridge is out. Instead, go around and to the west.

Tera Online Kumas Demon

You run into a big monster, a Kumas Demon. This is a boss fight. It will be a long fight, but Elleon and other expedition soldiers will join in. Use your most powerful attacks against the Kumas Demon.

If you die, a notification appears:
You have died. You will automatically resurrect at a safe place in 30 minutes. Would you like to resurrect there now? Resurrect in: Original Position.

After you beat Kumas Demon, another Boss appears. Fight Karascha the Dark Wing. But it is too powerful. It starts slaughtering the soldiers. All expedition forces are wiped out. Prologue ends.