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Risen 2 Dark Waters Walkthrough Part 8: Let Thompkins Know! and Meat for the Cook

Let Thompkins Know is one of the easiest quests in the entire game, and as such you should not hesitate to accept the offer from Gilles. The reward of 50 gold that you will receive later on down the line is definitely worth the short walk. You can find Thompkins just to the right of Gilles. Head in front of the cabin to find him, and inform him that you have delivered the grog. And just like that, you have completed Let Thompkins Know and gained some extra gold in the process. Now for the second, equally easy part of the quest: getting the meat for the cook, which will net you even more gold when you return to Osorio.

This quest, called Meat for the Cook, will be triggered after you speak with Thompkins. Being a hunter, Thompkins will hand over a piece of meat and ask that you deliver it to Osorio when you return with news of a successful delivery. Getting your hands on the quest item is as easy as that. From this point out, you just have to return to Osorio and hand everything over and tell him the good news about the successful delivery. You can lie about having the giant hunk of meat, but there’s really no purpose to that at all. You will end up failing the Meat for the Cook quest and getting basically nothing to show for it in return, so just hand over the hunk of meat and accept Patty when Osorio so graciously fires her.

You will receive experience points for both quests after completing them with Osorio. You should get 50 glory points for completing Let Thompkins Know, and 50 more Glory points for delivering the meat to Osorio for the Meat for the Cook quest. That’s on top of the 50 Glory points that you’ll already be getting for handing over the grog to the guards and reporting your success. All in all, this should be quite a lucrative quest series for you. Now that you have finished everything with Osorio, it’s time to head out and explore the island some more. There are plants to be collected, storehouses to be robbed, and prisoners to be freed, not to mention the main quest line which will see you joining up with the pirates.