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Risen 2 Dark Waters Walkthrough Part 9: Provisions and A Fat Roast

Provisions is another easy quest to complete. From all of your interactions with Osorio, you may very well have gotten it already. If not, simply ask what the cook is selling. Glancing over his wares will be enough to complete the Provisions quest and earn you 50 Glory points.

Now that you have gotten everything out of the way with the cook, you can turn an eye to the other side quests on the island, of which there are plenty. Another one of the side quests nearby is the A Fat Roast quest. This is kind of a low-key quest, so it can be difficult to know that this quest is even there. Return to the sugar plantation and speak with Thompkins again. Note that before you talk to Thompkins, you can actually proceed behind the plantation and to the right to find a wild jaguar. This enemy is vicious, but should you kill him before speaking with Thompkins, you will receive a bonus. When fighting the jaguar, try to get it cornered so that it cannot pounce out of the way. Be ready with grog to heal yourself instantly, and get ready to apply provisions to heal over time. It will be a tough battle and you will definitely want to save before undertaking this task, but it’s worth doing. Ask him about his hunting, and refer him to the group of wild boars to the left. He will tell you that one of the boars, which will be singled out from the others, is a prize boar and worth a lot in the hunting community. He will mention that you two could hunt it together.

Ask Thompkins if he wants to hunt. He will say yes, and give you the option to either fell the beast yourself or fight alongside of him. Since you have Patty back at this point, you shouldn’t need any help in this. It may be a prize boar, but it’s still just a boar. Plus, if you agree to fight alongside Thompkins and he happens to deal the finishing blow to the beast, you won’t get any credit for your involvement in the hunt. Tell him that you’ll hunt alone and the boar will charge you. Killing the boar should be easy. After looting its meat, speak with Thompkins again. He will be impressed, albeit not too much so. He will mention a jaguar stalking the forests ahead. If you have killed the jaguar, tell him so and you will earn 50 Glory. This is in addition to the 100 Glory that you should have received for killing the jaguar in the first place, so doing the mission this way is definitely preferable. Anyways, after your conversation you will have completed the quest A Fat Roast and received 50 Glory points.