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Starhawk Walkthrough Part 9 – Sever

Starhawk Walkthrough Part 9 – Sever

Emmett starts in his Hawk and the Outcast are a little too organized here for your liking. There are a lot of Drop Ships here that need to be taken out. Launch out of the carrier and it is on to combat.

Destroy the Outcast Dropships
The first Loading Platform has a good 4 Drop Ships that need to be destroyed. There are Hawks flying around providing some cover fire but ot really enough. It is also a very bad idea to land on the loading platform as there are also snipers waiting to take a shot at you. You want to land, then collect the Clsuter Bombs and blow everything there away. Just make passes and use the Swarm and Homing missiles to the best of your ability. There are also Air Mines to collect that will be a great help with just tearing through things that are chasing after Emmett while he makes his bombing runs.

Head for the second Loading Platform after you wipe out the first. The Outcast will fire up a Shield Generator. Cutter will call you back so you can stock up on some torpedoes. Collect them to make even faster work of the Dropships as well as tear through the shields.

Survive the Attack
Here is where a monster of a ship comes into the battlefield. It is just covered in Turrets and very, very heavy armor. The best solution at present is to just do flybys and avoid going down. Cutter points out to  destroy the turrets. As soon as he does, get to it. Cluster Bombs are great for the job.

Destroy the Turrets
With a total of 8 of them, there is not a lot you can do in a single pass. Get the Cluster bombs ready because the Swarm Missiles are useless here while you are in the air. Land on one of the many asteroids and drop a Launch Pad, ARM and an Outpost. Finally, a good time for some reinforcements. From the Asteroid, if you can see a Turret, start gunning for it. It is possible to hit them with Swarm Missiles while in Mech Form, it just requires getting the reticule on them. This means, you can land on the Spaceship easily enough, destroy a Turret then start taking them out from there. Just take out a few of the turrets first so Emmett has an easier time simply landing on the ship.

Build a Beam Turret
Once the Turrets are down, it is time to get some of your own up. Head over to the marker and drop a Beam Turret in place. After that, it is time to get some defenses in place to protect the Turret while it does its work. Drop in an Outpost, Supply Depot and Launch Pad. Walls help as well to provide a lot of cover and make this easier to pulloff. This will get some additional hands around the turret. Be sure to drop all your support before you plant the Beam Turret. Once you do, a lot of Outcast are going to come at you. Mostly they will be ground based but a few will have Vulture Jetpacks. Do everything you can to fight them off.

When the array is exposed get on a Hawk and fly back to the ship. Grab the Torpedo, charge it up and ram it into the array. After that, is a wave of Outcast Hawks. If things get tough, head back to the Beam Turret where you made the base. This will get more Allies into Hawks to help with this dogfight.

Destroy the other Array
Fly over to the other side of the ship and repeat. Get your support down then drop the Turret. Be sure you have a Supply Depot and a wall to the right of where you want to drop the Beam Turret. If you can spare the energy to plant an Auto Turret on there, do so! You have the second Pod wave that includes and Apex Warrior. Without the Wall and Turret, things get a lot harder. Not too long after that, a third wave will come from the ship that has 2 Apex Warriors that will land close to the ship. Fend off those lines of Outcast and you will make it through to the final 2 Torpedo shots.