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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 33 – Mors – Beauty and the Beast, Part 3

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 33 – Mors – Beauty and the Beast, Part 3

Loot the bodies of the fallen then it is time to find out where “Godric” went. Head into Mole's Town then it is time to hunt once again.

When you make it out into Mole's Town, you will find the Brothers under attack from Donnerly's men. Immediately after your talk with Patrek you are set upon by 4 men. 3 are in the medium armor and 1 is in heavy armor. One of them is an archer but that is not a huge concern with all of the melee going on.

Once the fight is over, Patrek will ask about what is going on. Mors can either tell him or insist on pressing on. Jenye will ask that you let her be. You can either force the matter or try to make her see reason. She sees that she has no choice either way and will consent to go to Castle Black.

Objective: “Take Jeyne to Castle Black with the Lord Commander to decide what to do next. Be on the watch for Godric's men. A frontal attack would be suicide.”

Head forward a little ways into the woods then it is time to use your Warg abilities. Step into your Dog and head to the North. Get to the first bend and hang back a little. There is a soldier patrolling the area that the Dog can ambush with a little effort. Only bother with him if he gets in the way though. Other wise, follow the scent down the left fork of this path. There is a second solider that patrols to the right as well, again, only bother with him if he poses a threat.

With them dealt with, continue to follow the scent trail to the Northwest. It leads to a soldier who is looking straight at your path and not patrolling. Return to your human skin. Return as Mors and you will need to fight through this part. There are 2 soldiers you need to take down, 1 with Medium Armor and the other in Heavy. Kill them and loot the bodies.

With the soldiers down, it is safe again to use your Warg abilities. Head to the Northwest once again to follow the scent trail. Head straight into the cover of the bushes, being mindful of the soldier just to the South of where you came in. Savage the patrolman who will approach and stop nearby your hiding place. Now, slip behind the other man who is keeping a watch on the path. Turn to the left after you have killed that man and investigate the tree stump there. It will reveal some loot for Mors to claim a little later. Now turn to the Northeast from Mors and continue down that path on the scent of Godric. As the Dog approaches the well, another guard is revealed. Sneak up on him and rip his throat out. Now head into the ruins of the building nearby. There you will find a Soldier in Heavy Armor patrolling. Just wait for an opening and take him down. The scent trail seems to end at that building. Still, there is one more Soldier you can savage as the Dog. Head over to the East and uo the tiny slope. There is an archer looking down the path there. From the Archer, head to the Southwest over to the nearby building. Look around carefully for a faint Blue scent. It will reveal a cache that you can claim as Mors. Now it seems time to return to human form.

Head to the North and take out any guards that cross your path. They mostly have Medium armor and will be Archers or Crossbowmen. Just take them down and continue to the North to the Door by the ruins where you met Donnerly's men. Open the door and head through. If you step into your dog and go to the North you will find the 3 Men of the Night's Watch have been bought off by Godric. They are coming at you. Return to human form and get ready for the fight. Head over to the bridge.

Here, you will encounter the 3 men you say talking with Godric. You can either play along or call him out on his lie. First and foremost for this fight, focus on the man in front of Mors, Theomar. He is an Elite Boss while the others are just Bosses. Focus and take them down quickly.

With those traitor Crows done, head to the North. You will find 2 archers to the right of the bridge leading toward Castle Black. Quickly defeat them then head for the World Map and Castle Black.

Castle Black
Objective: “The Lord Commander must be informed of the treason you've witnessed firsthand. Go and see him at once.”

Back in the Castle, head for Grance and talk some with him. He will point out that the Lord Commander Mormont is waiting for you. Head for the nearest entrance of the Common Hall to find him standing outside it. After that, it is time to decide the fate of the Godric's men who were milling around Castle Black. You can either have them killed or have them take the Black. The choice is yours and it will finish out this chapter.